Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Publications Produced in the eScholarship Workflow
Formatting Requirements
· Write your article in English.
· Page size should be 8.5 x 11 inches
· Top and bottom margins should be 1 inch (or 2.5 cm), left and right margins should be 1.25 inches (or 3.2 cm), including your tables and figures
· Text should be single spaced
· Use a single column layout
· There should be no page numbers, headers, footers, or hyperlinks (eScholarship system will add the appropriate header and page numbers)
· Do not include a title page
· Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file (Word or PDF files are accepted)
· Abstract
· Introduction
· Subsequent sections (including all tables and figures)
· Notes
· References
· Appendices
Indenting, Line Spacing, and Justification
· All text should be justified (flush with the left and right margins, except where indented)
· Indent all paragraphs except those following a section heading
· An indent should be at least 2 em-spaces
· Do not insert extra space between paragraphs of text with the exception of: long quotations, theorems, propositions, special remarks, etc. - these should be set off from the surrounding text by an additional space above and below.
· Don't "widow" or "orphan" text, i.e., ending a page with the first line of a paragraph or beginning a page with the last line of a paragraph.
· Color: black (please ensure that there are no colored mark-ups or comments in the final version, unless they are meant to be part of the final text. You may need to "accept all changes in document" and "delete all comments" in track changes.)
· Font: Garamond, except where special symbols are needed
· Font sizes:
o Headings – 13 pt. Garamond
o Main Body — 12 pt. Garamond
o Abstract, Endnotes, and References — 10 pt. Garamond
o Avoid the use of fonts smaller than 6 pt.
· Titles: Titles of books, movies, etc., should be set in italics rather than underlined.
· Foreign terms: Foreign terms should be set in italics rather than underlined
· Emphasized text: Whenever possible use italics to indicate text you want to emphasize
· All headings should be in 13 pt. Garamond font
· Heading Level 1: Centered, bold and in all-caps, with following text not indented and separated by a space
· Heading Level 2: Flush left, bold, key words capitalized, with following text not indented and separated by a space
· Heading Level 3: Flush left, bold italic, with following text on next line (no space) and indented
· Heading Level 4: Indented, bold, with a period following the heading and with following text to follow immediately after the heading
· Heading Level 5: Indented, bold italic, with a period following the heading and with following text to follow immediately after the heading
Tables and Figures
· To the extent possible, tables and figures should appear in the document near where they are referenced in the text
· Large tables or figures should be put on pages by themselves
· Avoid the use of overly small type in tables
· In no case should tables or figures be in a separate document or file
· All tables and figures must fit within 1.25" margins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) in both portrait and landscape view.
· If you have endnotes, please insert a line break (not a page break) and begin your endnotes on the same page, if possible
· Endnotes should appear at the end of the paper before the References
· Endnotes should have the heading: Notes
· Endnotes should be single spaced
· Endnote numbers or symbols in the text must follow, rather than precede, punctuation
· Excessively long endnotes are better handled in an appendix
· All endnotes should be left justified (flush with the left and right margins, except where indented)
· It is the author's obligation to provide complete references with the necessary information.
· If you have no endnotes, please insert a line break - not a page break - after the last sentence of your submission and begin your references on the same page, if possible
· Include a proper bibliography (also see:
· Please refer to the APA style guide for your reference list details
· Please insert a line break - not a page break - after the last Reference entry and begin your Appendix/Appendices on the same page, if possible