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Open Access Publications from the University of California
Cover page of On-farm flood capture could reduce groundwater overdraft in Kings River Basin

On-farm flood capture could reduce groundwater overdraft in Kings River Basin


Chronic groundwater overdraft threatens agricultural sustainability in California's Central Valley. Diverting flood flows onto farmland for groundwater recharge offers an opportunity to help address this challenge. We studied the infiltration rate of floodwater diverted from the Kings River at a turnout upstream of the James Weir onto adjoining cropland; and calculated how much land would be necessary to capture the available floodwater, how much recharge of groundwater might be achieved, and the costs. The 1,000-acre pilot study included fields growing tomatoes, wine grapes, alfalfa and pistachios. Flood flows diverted onto vineyards infiltrated at an average rate of 2.5 inches per day under sustained flooding. At that relatively high infiltration rate, 10 acres are needed to capture one CFS of diverted flood flow. We considered these findings in the context of regional expansion. Based upon a 30-year record of Kings Basin surplus flood flows, we estimate 30,000 acres operated for on-farm flood recharge would have had the capacity to capture 80% of available flood flows and potentially offset overdraft rates in the Kings Basin. Costs of on-farm flood capture for this study were estimated at $36 per acre-foot, less than the cost for surface water storage and dedicated recharge basins.

Cover page of Transcript & Video

Transcript & Video

  • 1 supplemental video
Cover page of Transcript & Video

Transcript & Video

  • 1 supplemental video
Cover page of Minimum tillage could benefit California rice farmers

Minimum tillage could benefit California rice farmers


Field research and grower interviews were used to evaluate the potential of minimum tillage for California rice systems. We found that by tilling only in the fall (instead of both the fall and spring), rice farmers can control herbicide-resistant weeds when combined with a stale rice seedbed, which entails spring flooding to germinate weeds followed by a glyphosate application to kill them. Our results indicated that yield potentials are comparable between water-seeded minimum- and conventional-till systems. We also found that rice growers can reduce fuel costs and plant early. However, minimum tillage may require more nitrogen fertilizer to achieve these yields.

Cover page of Editorial



[No abstract]

Cover page of CRISPR V Culture

CRISPR V Culture


New gene editing technologies give us the potential ability to bring back extinct species, help control the spread of invasive ones, and genetically modify those that spread diseases. They allows us to not only influence the evolutionary path of entire species, but entire ecosystems as well. Furthermore, gene editing has the potential to help us live healthier and longer lives. We have moved past rudimentary macroscopic methods of DNA manipulation and can now remove individual genes from a strand of DNA. However, due to the complexity of this technology, and given that there are few who can use it to its full effect, people have largely failed to respond to its development, particularly regulators. It is not within the scope of this paper to explore the full implications of these various emerging technologies, so instead I will focus on CRISPR, a specific new gene editing complex first used in 2012, and the major developments that have taken place since then.

Cover page of Effect of different crystallographic properties on the electrical conductivity of two polymorphs of a spin crossover complex

Effect of different crystallographic properties on the electrical conductivity of two polymorphs of a spin crossover complex


In this study, the structure and transport properties of two polymorphs, nanoparticles and nanorods, of the iron(II) triazole [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) spin crossover complex were compared. Conductive atomic force microscopy was used to map the electrical conductivity of individual nanoparticles and nanorods. The [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) nanorods showed significantly higher conductivity compared to nanoparticles. This difference in electrical conductivity is partially associated to the different Fe-N bond lengths in each of the polymorphs, with an inverse relationship between Fe-N bond length and conductivity. Transport measurements were done on the nanorods for both high spin (at 380 K) and low spin (at 320 K) states under dark and illuminated conditions. The conductance is highest for the low spin state under dark conditions. In illumination, the conductance change is much diminished.

Cover page of Strain Engineering: Reduction of Microstrain at the Perovskite Surface via Alkali Metal Chloride Treatment Enhances Stability.

Strain Engineering: Reduction of Microstrain at the Perovskite Surface via Alkali Metal Chloride Treatment Enhances Stability.


Degradation of halide perovskites under a humid atmosphere is the major challenge preventing widespread commercial deployment of this material class. Here it is shown that strain engineering via alkali metal chloride treatment at the FAPbI3/SnO2 interface effectively improves moisture-related stability. CsCl and KCl treatments reduce microstrain at the perovskite surface and slow the α- to δ-phase transformation. Alkali metal treatments with LiCl, NaCl, and RbCl led to an increase in microstrain and faster degradation. The compressive strain at the perovskite surface was the smallest for CsCl and was linked to improved stability. First-principles density functional theory calculations confirm the preferential formation of alkali defects at interstitial positions at the perovskite surface. Particularly CsCl and KCl treatments lead to a release of compressive strain at the perovskite surface and local structural distortions that may favor passivation of surface defects. In contrast, the room-temperature dynamics of Li interstitials result in an overall expansion of lattice volume, which may be linked to more facile lattice degradation.

Cover page of Electronic commensuration of a spin moiré superlattice in a layered magnetic semimetal.

Electronic commensuration of a spin moiré superlattice in a layered magnetic semimetal.


Spin moiré superlattices (SMSs) have been proposed as a magnetic analog of crystallographic moiré systems and a source of electron minibands offering vector-field moiré tunability and Berry curvature effects. However, it has proven challenging to realize an SMS in which a large exchange coupling J is transmitted between conduction electrons and localized spins. Furthermore, most systems have carrier mean free paths lmfp shorter than their spin moiré lattice constant aspin, inhibiting miniband formation. Here, we discover that the layered magnetic semimetal EuAg4Sb2 overcomes these challenges by forming an interface with J ~ 100 milli-electron volts transferred between a Eu triangular lattice and anionic Ag2Sb bilayers hosting a two-dimensional electron band in the ballistic regime (lmfp >> aspin). The system realizes an SMS with aspin commensurate with the Fermi momentum, leading to a marked quenching of the transport response from miniband formation. Our findings demonstrate an approach to magnetically engineering moiré superlattices and a potential route to an emergent spin-driven quantum Hall state.