Scripps Institution of Oceanography Technical Report

Parent: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
80n8w92rThe Biology of a Marine Decapod Crustacean, Pleuroncodes planipes Stimpson, 18603,2251083,1173.3%
1pm1485bMarine Insects83131751438.1%
95m6h5b9Miklankovitch Theory - Hits and Misses6205289285.2%
1c28t6bbUnderwater Glider System Study5189842018.9%
6h72j1fzThe Science of Surfing Waves and Surfing Breaks - A Review38715423339.8%
8zq2c02mGMTSAR: An InSAR Processing System Based on Generic Mapping Tools2886422422.2%
46n6148xDeep Sea Ocean Trenches and their Fauna2561619562.9%
2pv2n222Comparison of the Fajans and Mohr Techniques for the Titration of Chloride Ions and Salinity Determination2521876574.2%
4c27740cBaytap08 User's Manual1904814225.3%
08z6v9wqAdding Mean Sea Surface (MSS) as an Altimetry Product1756411136.6%
9rj6r9f1On “CHAPARRAL” versus “COASTAL SAGE SCRUB” in San Diego County1632813517.2%
3jw2v1hhStable Isotope Protocols: Sampling and Sample Processing1613312820.5%
6xm1n104Taxonomy of economic seaweeds : with reference to some Pacific and Caribbean species159887155.3%
954322pgSPOTL: Some Programs for Ocean-Tide Loading1302510519.2%
2qg6s9t5Social organization of schools of the Scalloped Hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini (Griffith and Smith), in the Gulf of California104495547.1%
4n93p288Calibration Methodology for the Scripps 13C/12C and 18O/16O stable Isotope program 1992-201893276629.0%
5394f7m3Trophic Classifications of Reef Fishes from the Tropical U.S. Pacific (Version 1.0)93217222.6%
6zn4b4jvReports of the Great California Earthquake of 185793138014.0%
6jm6m8bwScripps Institution of Oceanography Contributions Index Vols. 52-71, 1982-200190494154.4%
09f405bqCategorizing the Types of Surfing Breaks around Jetty Structures88404845.5%
5bw303tjProperties of HF RADAR Compact Antenna Arrays and Their Effect on the MUSIC Algorithm67303744.8%
1qv786mcOn the Climate History of Chaco Canyon65452069.2%
2973x3tqGolfo de California : Bibliografía de las Ciencias Marinas = Gulf of California : Bibliography of Marine Sciences63392461.9%
5cc29633Quarterly Progress Report, October-December 1954. Office of Naval Research Progress Report No. 3461214034.4%
7d64x0bdThe Long-Term Information Management Trajectory: Working to Support Data, Science and Technology61412067.2%
1j33928xPeriodicity of Spawning by the Grunion, Leuresthes tenuis, an Atherine Fish60124820.0%
21z72167Long-Base Laser Strainmeters: A Review6095115.0%
84h4h9v1On the Natural Geography of North San Diego County57372064.9%
28612336Surfing Conditions around Jetties56302653.6%
21c8f9f0Common benthic algae and cyanobacteria in southern California tidal wetlands55223340.0%
2744r717Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contributions Index Vols. 1-39, 1938-196952292355.8%
9mm761c1San Diego Bay Circulation, a Study of the Circulation of Water in San Diego Bay for the Purpose of Assessing, Monitoring and Managing the Transport and Potential Accumulation of Pollutants and Sediment in San Diego Bay. Final Report525479.6%
8742p2nbInorganic Carbon Variations in Surface Ocean Water near Bermuda48153331.3%
0j9840xmCoastal Evolution Model4793819.1%
2zn2m819The Electric Sense of the Thornback Ray, Platyrhinoidis triseriata : Linear Dynamic Range in Single-Unit Electrophysiological Recordings in vivo from the Afferent Nerve Fibers of the Ampullae of Lorenzini47222546.8%
32k9p2mmCentury-scale Records of Coral Growth and Water Quality from the Mesoamerican Reef Reveal Increasing Anthropogenic Stress and Decreasing Coral Resilience47272057.4%
3fk9j79sCalcium Isotopic Variation in Marine Evaporites and Carbonates: Applications to Late Miocene Mediterranean Brine Chemistry and Late Cenozoic Calcium Cycling in the Oceans47192840.4%
4rp557grCarbon dioxide measurements by the Scripps O2 program. 2020 Update47182938.3%
7tt993fjSpan Sensitivity of Scripps Interferometric Oxygen Analyzer47173036.2%
3z16h0zmThe PIN1 and PIN2 GPS Sites at Pinon Flat Observatory46163034.8%
7w5121sgSoundings in the Gulf of California and off the West Coast of Lower California in 193946182839.1%
8qj619btIncrease in the period of waves traveling over large distances : with applications to tsunamis, swell, and seismic surface waves46212545.7%
91t5r0jvDiscovery of the 5.7-year Douglass cycle: A pioneer’s quest for solar cycles in tree-ring records46311567.4%
13h5j9k9Final Report : Handbook of Explosion-Generated Water Waves. Volume I - State of the Art45133228.9%
5j8445rzAn Analysis of the Concentration of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide at Fixed Land Stations and over the Oceans based on Discrete Samples and Daily Averaged Continuous Measurements45212446.7%
6981b3bsCetaceans in the Southern California Bight : behavioral, acoustical and spatio-temporal modeling45291664.4%
2th221s0Special considerations for updating the primary in situ Mauna Loa record to the X12 scale4393420.9%
5bc4c0w7Hans E. Suess (1909-1993): Radiocarbon, Sun and Climate Pioneer43202346.5%
2mz4d121The Visibility of Submerged Objects (Chapters 1 through 4)42142833.3%
59n9n19tOn the Structure of the Light Field at Shallow Depths in Deep Homogeneous Hydrosols4233978.6%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.