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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Department of Classics

Cabinet of the Muses: Rosenmeyer Festschrift bannerUC Berkeley

The Berkeley Department of Classics is a world-renowned center for the study of Graeco-Roman antiquity. The Department offers excellent undergraduate and graduate training in ancient Greek and Latin language and literature and in many other aspects of two major cultures of ancient Mediterrranean world, including archaeology, history, epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, palaeography, philosophy, cultural studies, gender studies, and the classical tradition. The faculty includes and has included many classicists of great distinction in scholarly publication, teaching, and service to the campus and the profession.

Ellen Oliensis
University of California
Department of Classics
7233 Dwinelle Hall #2520
Berkeley CA 94720-2520

Cover page of Biography and Bibliography of T. G. Rosenmeyer (1920-2007)

Biography and Bibliography of T. G. Rosenmeyer (1920-2007)


This document presents the program of the April 7, 2007, memorial event for Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, including a personal and scholarly biography, as well as a complete bibliography of his publications.

Cover page of Apatê, Agôn, and Literary Self-Reflexivity in Euripides' Helen

Apatê, Agôn, and Literary Self-Reflexivity in Euripides' Helen


Pages 1-16 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of The Ambiguity of Eris in the Works and Days

The Ambiguity of Eris in the Works and Days


Pages 173-183 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of The Some Two Sources of Literature and its "History" in Aristotle, Poetics 4

The Some Two Sources of Literature and its "History" in Aristotle, Poetics 4


Pages 307-318 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of Goethes Chinesisch-Deutsche Jahres- und Tageszeiten

Goethes Chinesisch-Deutsche Jahres- und Tageszeiten


Pages 343-350 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of Philia in Euripides' Medea

Philia in Euripides' Medea


Pages 57-73 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of Patterns of Gender in Aeschylean Drama: Seven against Thebes and the Danaid Trilogy

Patterns of Gender in Aeschylean Drama: Seven against Thebes and the Danaid Trilogy


Pages 103-115 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of Scepticism about Gods in Hellenistic Philosophy

Scepticism about Gods in Hellenistic Philosophy


Pages 279-291 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of Euripides and Apatê

Euripides and Apatê


Pages 75-87 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).

Cover page of The Chorus of Aeschylus' Choephori

The Chorus of Aeschylus' Choephori


Pages 17-30 of Cabinet of the Muses: essays on classical and comparative literature in honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, edited by Mark Griffith and Donald J. Mastronarde (Atlanta 1990).