
Parent: Department of Mathematics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
4678b2spPerformance Analysis of Spectral Clustering on Compressed, Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements3671316
8cc4g5nbTopological K-Theory of Complex Projective Spaces214872
27n8r19qImmersed boundary smooth extension: A high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth domains using Fourier spectral methods195392
4827g1twWeak orientability of matroids and polynomial equations19676
5bp0g8wdSmooth polytopes with negative Ehrhart coefficients187641
03t3s201Nearly Finitary Matroids17386
2br508x9Bridge number and twist equivalence of Seifert surfaces176452
8jf4153pSpherical metrics with conical singularities on 2-spheres16466
240508vqHeegaard Floer homology of L-space links with two components151464
5d18n90gShort rational functions for toric algebra and applications155352
61d929p0Product Vacua and Boundary State Models in d Dimensions15447
9xq8n2b2Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. I. The One-Dimensional Case156171
0ts4r1rdShort Rational Functions for Toric Algebra and Applications143641
1m91w9w0Cores with distinct parts and bigraded Fibonacci numbers14248
0md8p6smOn Volumes of Permutation Polytopes13427
3333n45pHigh-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing13229
3dq7h2hhKnots with infinitely many incompressible Seifert surfaces13355
7h8832gw$A_\infty$ Algebras and the Cohomology of Moduli Spaces132281
3kk109sbA Classification of the Supercharacter Theories of $C_p \times C_2 \times C_2$ for Prime $p$122361
5j79p8ngHierarchical graph Laplacian eigen transforms123252
13r6m7sbSoftware for exact integration of polynomials over polyhedra112261
1504d3hkL-infinity algebras and their cohomology111262
3f98f949On the notions of facets, weak facets, and extreme functions of the Gomory-Johnson infinite group problem111361
4496d5ctMathematical models in biology111532
6bh555qmAn Electronic Compendium of Extreme Functions for the Gomory--Johnson Infinite Group Problem113161
00q6j7xcTopics in Compressed Sensing103232
03p2z98xHitchin integrable systems, deformations of spectral curves, and KP-type equations10433
51s667ppMassey products and deformations101171
5zd6p2hvA Littlewood-Richardson Type Rule for Row-Strict Quasisymmetric Schur Functions103241
80v451k6Uniform Uncertainty Principle and signal recovery via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit10145
8sm5g95mStochastic spatial models of plant diseases10181
9vj0f7g9Finite volume methods for incompressible flow10532
06m2735bAlgorithmic and Complexity Results for Cutting Planes Derived from Maximal Lattice-Free Convex Sets9432
1fb2m720A General Method for Obtaining a Lower Bound for the Ground State Entropy Density of the Ising Model With Short Range Interactions9441
37s7h149Information Flows? A Critique of Transfer Entropies9225
3cg69362On generating a diminimal set of polyhedral maps on the torus9171
4sk6k8j6Linked determinantal loci and limit linear series945
5w08g4mgSoftware for cut-generating functions in the Gomory--Johnson model and beyond9414
5x88p2csLocally unknotted spines of Heegaard splittings9153
60f1k5c1New computer-based search strategies for extreme functions of the Gomory--Johnson infinite group problem918
6mz4640vA quantum algorithm for the quantum Schur-Weyl transform92151
7kv7q58kFinite-volume excitations of the 111 interface in the quantum XXZ model9162
8zw344pxVertices of Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes9351
9nk8q79rCrystal analysis of type C Stanley symmetric functions9324
32x5659bWeak Orientability of Matroids and Polynomial Equations844
3jx2j53cNavier-Stokes equations interacting with a nonlinear elastic fluid shell8152
5142f2wkSoftware for Exact Integration of Polynomials over Polyhedra8143
52j0q8t8Mirzakhani's recursion relations, Virasoro constraints and the KdV hierarchy871
71v0t7v4A Combinatorial Formula for Orthogonal Idempotents in the $0$-Hecke Algebra of the Symmetric Group8332
7sp7178dDroplet States in the XXZ Heisenberg Chain871

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.