Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine & Acute Care

Parent: Department of Emergency Medicine (UCI)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1hs8g3k0Association Between Teaching Status of Metropolitan Hospitals and Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes: A Retrospective Observational Study of Hospitals in the United States2,197222,1751.0%
1nw9c836Can Ultrasound Aid in the Diagnosis of Gout and Septic Arthritis in the Setting of Monoarticular Joint Pain?2163218414.8%
65t9v795Characteristics of Attempted Suicide in the Middle East and North Africa Region: The Mediating Role of Arab Culture and Religion1833914421.3%
96w1f3vkUSMLE Scores Do Not Predict the Clinical Performance of Emergency Medicine Residents164111536.7%
2w15h2ddBrown Recluse Spider in the Mediterranean Region: A Review of the Literature15641522.6%
23j2906qA Case Report of Toxicity from Ingestion of a Hospital Antiseptic Solution Containing 1-Propanol and 2-Propanol111347730.6%
6zn9z1j9A Brief Report on the Beirut Port Explosion96326433.3%
1fb8570cUse National Early Warning Score In The Prognosis Of Stroke Patients In The Emergency Department936876.5%
7k75p79gPitfalls to Avoid while Interpreting Cholinesterase Activity Levels in Cholinesterase Inhibitor Pesticides Poisoning934894.3%
8bm1p3wpReforming Healthcare Practice in View of the Economic Crisis in Lebanon: The Case of Cardiovascular Care92326034.8%
9zp7540zMass Casualty Management in the Emergency Department – Lessons Learned in Beirut, Lebanon - Part II88127613.6%
38m6d4bpAn Overview of the State of Emergency Medicine in Syria805756.3%
16t3n8nrA Dermatologic Condition Mimicking Brown Recluse Spider Bite69244534.8%
3pr7x3b8Posterior Knee Dislocation Following a Knee Arthroplasty692672.9%
8zx081h0Emergency Department Pediatric Unscheduled Return Visits: Why do patients return and does it matter?61362559.0%
742605wbMass Casualty Management in the Emergency Department - Lessons Learned in Beirut, Lebanon - Part I5985113.6%
0d19n69tIs There Value in Screening Asymptomatic Patients with No Risk Factors for COVID-19 in the Emergency Department?57263145.6%
8kg6x75kPsoriasis and Heart Failure: Literature Review and a Case Challenge57213636.8%
6bb731gwCan PANDAS Swear? A Curious Case of Coprolalia in a 15 Year Old Girl presenting to the Emergency Department5564910.9%
35v4n9m6Assessment of Automated External Defibrillators and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training in Lebanese Schools545499.3%
55t2455pThe Efficacy of Table Top Simulation as a Didactic Adjunct for an Undergraduate Emergency Medicine Clerkship Curriculum: A Prospective Cross-Over Study50272354.0%
8st916bqThe Challenge Of Unilateral Leg Swelling In The Emergency Department48242450.0%
2f36s90wUtility of a Bedside Pocket-Sized Ultrasound Device to Promptly Manage Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department47192840.4%
21z2771vImpact of Internally Developed Electronic Prescription on Prescribing Errors at Discharge from the Emergency Department45252055.6%
2513n1jhMENATOX 2020 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS45261957.8%
5zc9414sVolunteer-Operated Field Medical Tents During Civilian Protests in Beirut, Lebanon: Challenges and Lessons44172738.6%
2612j1qzPoint-of-Care Ultrasound Appearance of Cystic Ovarian Teratoma Causing Ovarian Torsion4373616.3%
6jc8t7cxThe International Medical Graduate42152735.7%
7tt8x7zvTogether for Emergency Medicine in the United Arab Emirates!42103223.8%
0kv188nkFollow-Up Behavior of Patients Who Leave Without Being Seen from a Hybrid Point of Service Collection Emergency Department413387.3%
3gn8c73wED Visits and Admission Profile pre- and during COVID-19 Pandemic41221953.7%
2f9880hjAchenbach Syndrome: Minor Traumatic Injury as a Possible Etiology3953412.8%
7wj6k504Search Terms for Conducting Systematic and Scoping Reviews in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region and the Arab World: An Example on COVID-193763116.2%
05p8g715MENATOX 2021 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS35102528.6%
26z642z9Acute management of rape survivors in Lebanon: overview and challenges3582722.9%
624205v3Bilateral Post Traumatic Avulsion of Patellar Apexes: A Case Report35142140.0%
79m397mnEvaluating Disparities Affecting Time from Emergency Department Door to Electrocardiogram in Chest Pain Patients3272521.9%
7b17x0s1Descriptive Characteristics of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in a Lebanese Sample2932610.3%
5r87m7zwCOVID-19 & the Pied Piper Effect on Pediatric Emergency Department Attendances - A Single-Center Study Based in the UAE.2732411.1%
4fv2k09rNon-Invasive Ventilation in the Elderly in the Emergency Department: Epidemiological Data and Results2671926.9%
05c8s584Outpatient Management of Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic2281436.4%
5rv0m565A Positive Outcome Post Alteplase, ECMO and Emergent Surgery in a Case of Massive Pulmonary Embolism Cardiac Arrest Complicated by Intra-Abdominal Bleeding2241818.2%
1sk661r0Farewell to a Friend - with "Love"2031715.0%
56q76359Establishing Emergency Medicine in Iran: a Post-implementation Perspective1951426.3%
6m56n11gThe Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine & Acute Care: Why1621412.5%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.