Department of Information Studies

Parent: UCLA School of Education and Information Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
7bn4v1fk“’The Archive’ Is Not an Archives: On Acknowledging the Intellectual Contributions of Archival Studies”1,237449286245257
0mb9568hFrom Human Rights to Feminist Ethics: Radical Empathy in Archives535123135158119
7c55m1xfWhat are digital libraries? Competing visions4358210987157
7v00k2qz“Come Correct or Don’t Come at All:” Building More Equitable Relationships Between Archival Studies Scholars and Community Archives4288092134122
1h54v9m9‘To Be Able to Imagine Otherwise’: community archives and the importance of representation3978311369132
7371c1hfContent moderation33571858693
346521tfThe Role of Participatory Archives in Furthering Human Rights, Reconciliation and Recovery33264868993
0fp9n05sThe Digital Future is Now: A Call to Action for the Humanities29488685682
8gv0v69b“Inventing New Archival Imaginaries: Theoretical Foundations for Identity-Based Community Archives.”28376735777
45j3t6j6Vietnamese Refugee/Immigration273433862130
6vt1h4wtBig Data, Little Data, noData: Scholarship in the Networked World25094486444
4jb6c1pzFrom acting locally to thinking globally: A brief history of library automation24564675658
2mt6j2mhKnowledge Infrastructures: Intellectual Frameworks and Research Challenges21253454470
32t8b4btFostering Learning in the Networked World: The Cyberlearning Opportunity and Challenge. A 21st Century Agenda for the National Science Foundation21052814235
7z3629nhTechnological Elites, the Meritocracy, and Postracial Myths in Silicon Valley19755514447
4fd6t5mbRecords and their imaginaries: imagining the impossible, making possible the imagined17455365033
9gc14537Seeing Yourself in HistoryCommunity Archives and the Fight Against Symbolic Annihilation17357382652
75d5b17cVietnamese American Anticommunism16435412563
9rm6b7d4Our knowledge of knowledge infrastructures: Lessons learned and future directions13925393342
4xf018wxOn the Reuse of Scientific Data13435333927
1558k4vgDigital Humanities13157301331
6wd2x52kArchival IR: Applying and adapting information retrieval approaches in archives and recordkeeping research12525282547
73f5s7srToward a Survivor-Centered Approach to Human Rights Archives: Lessons from Community-Based Archives12530232943
3mz7h8hrWhy Are Online Catalogs Still Hard to Use?11935283224
3r66961tLittle Saigon and Vietnamese American Communities11624342137
0nd5g0p7'To Suddenly Discover Yourself Existing': Uncovering the Impact of Community Archives11533252532
53s58024‘A process where we’re all at the table’: community archives challenging dominant modes of archival practice11220172550
1xq5k4kgCritical Directions for Archival Approaches to Social Justice10422332821
0dw9s6gc“To Suddenly Discover Yourself Existing”: Uncovering the Impact of Community Archives110123301830
112790szArchival Activism: Emerging Forms, Local Applications10022242925
1mg482ftToward a definition of user friendliness: A psychological perspective9527161636
7wp1q908Perpetuating and Extending the Archival Paradigm: The Historical and Contemporary Roles of Professional Education and Pedagogy9350161611
7m59x6mhData, infrastructure, and stewardship9028262610
75x090df“Owning Critical Archival Studies: A Plea”8823242714
066551hxPrivacy & Information Technology Syllabus, Fall 2017, UCLA8615312317
2rz6t6p0The Cultural Work of Anticommunism in the San Diego Vietnamese American Community8329141327
5g3135n6“Rights in Records as a Platform for Participative Archiving”834023911
32f7h3cj“Memory Politics and Reconciliation in the Wake of Ethnic Conflict: A Northern Irish Example"8132191515
3d3884zdSeven Dimensions of Contemporary Participation Disentangled8021231818
3ng7f0rfEditor's Introduction: Data as Media7916123714
593121btMeaningful Data Metrics for Whom?771435244
05c1k5cqFrom artifacts to aggregations: Modeling scientific life cycles on the semantic Web742229203
2tj4g7scScience friction: Data, metadata, and collaboration7316231618
5pt0n14gBig Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research732825128
1wt0j6kfPresentation for GSIS2016: Representation, Symbolic Annihilation and the Emotional Potential of Community Archives7215152616
0jj17309Why Data Sharing and Reuse Are Hard To Do7123251112
0s48690gToo Much Democracy in All the Wrong Places7117152118
2q15p66gBreakpoints and Black Boxes: Information in Global Supply Chains712723813
3cn4z0v8Structure and Evolution of Scientific Collaboration Networks in a Modern Research Collaboratory7128211210

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.