Center for Knowledge Infrastructures

Parent: Department of Information Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
7c55m1xfWhat are digital libraries? Competing visions4358210987157
0fp9n05sThe Digital Future is Now: A Call to Action for the Humanities29488685682
6vt1h4wtBig Data, Little Data, noData: Scholarship in the Networked World25094486444
4jb6c1pzFrom acting locally to thinking globally: A brief history of library automation24564675658
2mt6j2mhKnowledge Infrastructures: Intellectual Frameworks and Research Challenges21253454470
32t8b4btFostering Learning in the Networked World: The Cyberlearning Opportunity and Challenge. A 21st Century Agenda for the National Science Foundation21052814235
9rm6b7d4Our knowledge of knowledge infrastructures: Lessons learned and future directions13925393342
4xf018wxOn the Reuse of Scientific Data13435333927
3mz7h8hrWhy Are Online Catalogs Still Hard to Use?11935283224
1mg482ftToward a definition of user friendliness: A psychological perspective9527161636
7m59x6mhData, infrastructure, and stewardship9028262610
066551hxPrivacy & Information Technology Syllabus, Fall 2017, UCLA8615312317
593121btMeaningful Data Metrics for Whom?771435244
5pt0n14gBig Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research732825128
0jj17309Why Data Sharing and Reuse Are Hard To Do7123251112
3cn4z0v8Structure and Evolution of Scientific Collaboration Networks in a Modern Research Collaboratory7128211210
94v0q1r1Scholarly Communication and Bibliometrics7028171411
3276b07gFrom Data Creator to Data Reuser: Distance Matters67302296
1sx7v77rPhD Dissertation - From Open Data to Knowledge Production: Biomedical Data Sharing and Unpredictable Data Reuses6620181414
0m09c4vrSyllabus for PhD Seminar on Research Methods and Design, Winter 2014, UCLA Information Studies6328141110
7tw0x377Social Aspects of Digital Libraries. Final Report to the National Science Foundation631919916
4nf659d5Research Data Infrastructure: A Problem of Governance61261898
5bb8b1tnCollaborative Ethnography at Scale: Reflections on 20 years of data integration61232198
39j0t1kkThe principles of tomorrow's university54281835
05c2n2m5Data Governance Task Force: Final report and recommendations532313134
8wp6t6ntLabor Out of Place: On the Varieties and Valences of (In)visible Labor in Data-Intensive Science53182087
5wc9v7cfKnowledge Infrastructures: The Invisible Foundation of Research Data (Slides and Video)511616145
2911049gBig Data, Little Data, or No Data? A Social Science Perspective on Data Science [Presentation slides]501716125
9qv3x7cxDigital data archives as knowledge infrastructures: Mediating data sharing and reuse49261445
2c41w9nw10 Simple Rules for the Care and Feeding of Scientific Data48271713
8vs1z6s3Research Data Alliance in the Science Data-Sharing Landscape48261822
0zf3k36fSyllabus for PhD Seminar on Research Methods and Design, Fall 2015, UCLA Information Studies461811611
0qd763m5Children's Searching Behavior On Browsing and Keyword Online Catalogs: The Science Library Catalog Project451110159
9cp532q0Why are online catalogs hard to use? Lessons learned from information retrieval studies.45204714
6rx42812How and why do scientists reuse others’ data to produce new knowledge?44221543
1s1814cjPhD Thesis - From Open Data to Knowledge Production:Biomedical Data Sharing and Unpredictable Data Reuses43201427
891056g2RCUK Review of e-Science 2009: Building a UK foundation for the transformative enhancement of research innovation42241422
8j61t86qData, Digital Scholarship, and DANS42271221
01r7h46qThe Durability and Fragility of Knowledge Infrastructures: Lessons Learned from Astronomy40161743
0dw030mkData, data use, and scientific inquiry: Two case studies of data practices [Presentation slides]40211711
3w40b9jpUnearthing the infrastructure: Humans and sensors in field-based scientific research4025141
2pb6k940Open Data, Grey Data, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier39121674
8s56c1zsData Management in the Long Tail: Science, Software and Service39159510
06963041Science, Scholarship, Knowledge Infrastructures, and Judy and Gary Olson3715148
1mr727cwThe invisible knowledge infrastructure of astronomy: A sharper focus on blurry data37181531
595773v5Surf’s Up: Riding the Big Data Wave (Poster)3721142
92k1b265Beyond Privacy: The Emerging Ethics of Data Reuse 37171262
15x0w54kOpen Data, Trust, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier36121446
1gq1265kKeynote: Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Why Human Interaction with Data is a Hard Problem (slides)3691368
65b51130Why are the attribution and citation of scientific data important?35131255

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.