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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Disability Law Journal


Student Note Competition

The UCLA Disability Law Journal is seeking submissions for its fifth annual Student Note Competition. The DLJ is the only academic journal in the nation that focuses exclusively on Disability Law. Our Student Note Competition recognizes the best student scholarship in the field. We are accepting submissions through Friday, December 23, 2022.

As you and your classmates look toward completing SAW papers and law review comments, we invite you to submit your work to our Note Competition. The field of Disability Law intersects with a broad range of academic and professional interests; we hope you will consider how your topic can contribute to our trailblazing journal.

We encourage students from all identity backgrounds who are enrolled in an ABA-accredited law school to enter. Submissions should focus on cutting-edge issues impacting people and communities with disabilities. The winner will have their original work published in the fifth volume of the Disability Law Journal. The winner will also have the opportunity to present their work at a public event.

We will notify authors about our decisions by January 25, 2023. While we are excited to read all the Notes submitted, we cannot guarantee that all submissions will be published.

Please submit work to in .doc or .docx format with the subject line, “Note Competition Submission” by Friday, December 23, 2022 at 10:00 PM. The flyer below contains all of our submission requirements. Please contact us as soon as possible to request any necessary accommodations.

Please reach out to our Chief Note Editor, Alexis Russell, at the email address or phone number below with any questions. We look forward to reading your work!

2022-23 DLJ Student Note Competition Flyer