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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Department of Sociology, UCLA


This series is automatically populated with publications deposited by UCLA Department of Sociology researchers in accordance with the University of California’s open access policies. For more information see Open Access Policy Deposits and the UC Publication Management System.

Cover page of Individual and community socioeconomic status and receipt of influenza vaccines among adult primary care patients in a large academic health system: 2017–2019

Individual and community socioeconomic status and receipt of influenza vaccines among adult primary care patients in a large academic health system: 2017–2019



Influenza causes significant mortality and morbidity in the U.S., yet less than half of adults receive influenza vaccination. We use census-tract level social vulnerability index (SVI) to examine community- and individual-level characteristics of influenza vaccine coverage among primary care patients at an academic health system in Los Angeles, CA.


We used electronic medical records (EMR) data of 247,773 primary care patients for 2017-18 and 2018-19 influenza seasons. We geocoded patients' addresses to identify their SVI and merged them with EMR data. We specified mixed-effects logistic regression models estimating the association between patient's vaccine receipt and SVI, adjusting for sociodemographics, Charlson Comorbidity Index, and health insurance.


Vaccination coverage was higher during the 2018-19 influenza season (34%) compared to the 2017-18 season (23%). In adjusted analyses, higher SVI, lower individual socioeconomic status and racial and ethnic minority status were independently associated with lower odds of vaccination. Patients on Medicaid had lower odds of vaccine receipt (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR] = 0.77 for <65, aOR = 0.30 for 65+) than patients on commercial health insurance. Asian Non-Hispanic patients had higher odds than White Non-Hispanic patients (aOR = 2.39 for <65, aOR = 1.91 for 65+), while Black Non-Hispanic patients had lower odds (aOR = 0.49 for <65, aOR = 0.59 for 65+).


Community and individual socioeconomic status and race and ethnicity were associated with influenza vaccination. Health systems can use SVI to identify communities at increased risk of influenza mortality and morbidity, and engage with community partners to develop communication strategies and invest in interventions to increase vaccine accessibility in under-resourced neighborhoods.

Subnational Environmental Policy: Trends and Issues


Policies relevant to many key sociological processes are often subnational, enacted at the regional, state/provincial, and/or local levels. This applies notably in the politics of the environmental state, where public and private subnational environmental policies (SNEPs) have major consequences for managing climate change, addressing environmental injustices, regulating land uses, greening energy markets, limiting pollution, and much more. While sociologists focus more on national policies, diverse sociological contributions emphasize the importance of SNEPs and their origins, diffusion, implementation, and sources of backlash. We begin by providing a typology of SNEPs. Next, we highlight not only environmental sociology (with its particular attention to climate change and energy) but also the sociologies of social movements, politics, the economy, science, risk, and organizations, which have each offered unique perspectives. Finally, we outline an agenda for how sociologists can further elaborate a distinctive perspective that highlights inequality, valuation, diffusion, scale shifts, and venue-shopping up to national and global policy systems.

The Sociology of Entrepreneurship Revisited


Over the last two decades, the sociology of entrepreneurship has exploded as an area of academic inquiry. Most of this research has been focused on understanding the environmental conditions that promote entrepreneurship and processes related to the initial formation of an organization. Despite this surge in activity, many important questions remain open. Only more recently have scholars begun to turn their attention to what happens to organizations, and the people connected to them, as they mature and move through the life cycle of entrepreneurship. These open questions, moreover, connect to many classic themes in the literature on careers, organizational sociology, stratification, and work and occupations. Using a framework that focuses on three phases of the entrepreneurial life cycle—pre-entry, entry, and post-entry—we summarize sociological research on entrepreneurship and highlight opportunities for future research.

Cover page of Parental Loss and Mental Health in Post-Khmer-Rouge Cambodia.

Parental Loss and Mental Health in Post-Khmer-Rouge Cambodia.


Adverse childhood events (ACE) may have lasting consequences throughout the life course. We focus on one particular type of ACE, parental loss in Cambodia-a country that lost nearly 25% of its population during the 1975-79 Khmer-Rouge regime-and on mental health disorders, one of the potential mechanisms through which ACE may have long-term consequences. Self-reports of symptoms that map on to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM) criteria for anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were collected from 4,405 adults aged 20 and over. We first assess exposure to traumatic events and the prevalence of anxiety, depression, and PTSD using the DSM and alternative criteria. Based on the DSM criteria and previously validated Likert-scale thresholds, we find a high prevalence of anxiety (56.0%), depression (42.8%), and PTSD (2.3%), and even higher levels even among KRR survivors. We then use logit models to analyze the effect of parental loss before age 20 on the likelihood of having experienced traumatic events and experiencing mental health disorders. We find the loss of one parent increases the likelihood of full-PTSD symptoms, but the loss of both parents does not. These findings may result from positive selection into better-off households for orphans whose parents have both died but may also reflect the grief-related difficulties faced by the surviving parent of paternal or maternal orphans. While alternative thresholds for PTSD produced higher prevalence estimates, these measures did not perform better for assessing the effect of parental loss on mental health.

Cover page of Anticipating in&nbsp;vitro gametogenesis: Hopes and concerns for IVG among diverse stakeholders

Anticipating in vitro gametogenesis: Hopes and concerns for IVG among diverse stakeholders


In vitro gametogenesis (IVG), the reconstitution of germ cell development in vitro, is an emerging stem cell-based technology with profound implications for reproductive science. Despite researchers' long-term goals for future clinical applications, little is currently known about the views of IVG held by the stakeholders potentially most affected by its introduction in humans. We conducted focus groups and interviews with 80 individuals with lived experience of infertility and/or LGBTQ+ family formation in the US, two intersecting groups of potential IVG users. Respondents expressed hope that IVG would lead to higher reproductive success than current assisted reproductive technology (ART), alleviate suffering associated with ART use, and promote greater social inclusion, while expressing concerns predominantly framed in terms of equity and safety. These findings underscore the importance of sustained engagement with stakeholders with relevant experience to anticipate the implications of IVG for research and clinical translation.

Cover page of Research Note: New Evidence on the Motherhood Wage Penalty.

Research Note: New Evidence on the Motherhood Wage Penalty.


U.S. women's age at first birth has increased substantially. Yet, little research has considered how this changing behavior may have affected the motherhood pay penalty, or the wage decrease with a child's arrival, experienced by the current generation. Using Rounds 1-19 of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97), in this research note we examine shifts in hourly pay with childbirth for a cohort of women who became mothers mostly in the 2000s and 2010s. Results from fixed-effects models indicate that the motherhood pay penalty for NLSY97 women who had their first child before their late 20s is generally similar to that of previous cohorts. Those who became mothers near or after age 30, however, encounter a parenthood premium, as men do. The growing proportion of women delaying motherhood, coupled with the rising heterogeneity in motherhood wage outcomes by childbearing timing, contributes to a comparatively small motherhood penalty for this recent cohort. The pay advantage of "late mothers" cannot be explained by factors such as their labor market locations, number of children, stage of childrearing, marital status, or ethnoracial composition. Instead, the hourly gain stems from such mothers' tendency to reduce working hours more than other mothers without experiencing a commensurate decrease in total pay. Unlike the fatherhood premium, the premium for late mothers does not lead to a real boost in income.