Technical Reports

Parent: Department of Computer Science & Engineering

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1bm0k1w0Preble: Efficient Distributed Prompt Scheduling for LLM Serving1,14442272236.9%
8dp743qbUbiSketch: Bringing Sketching out of the Closet455364197.9%
7b13d6cwRecognizing Cars135567941.5%
00n325f2Approximation Methods for Thin Plate Spline Mappings and Principal Warps117239419.7%
11h2x8khOne Dimensional Knapsack10921071.8%
83c3k6jbFast Transient Simulation of Lossy Transmission Lines983953.1%
9cd141mnPlace-Its: Location-Based Reminders on Mobile Phones98197919.4%
6ps421k5Dahu: Improved Data Center Multipath Forwarding94296530.9%
2qm3k10cThe hardness of k-means clustering91583363.7%
96d3z9qbAccuracy Bounds For The Scaled Bitmap Data Structure833803.6%
8gc2k3kwAnalysis of Targeted Advertising in Snapchat Political Ads80275333.8%
3cq2532hThree Brown Mice: See How They Run78285035.9%
7sb3s217Fulcrum -- An Open-Implementation Approach to Context-Aware Publish / Subscribe764725.3%
0f02d3bmDestroying Flash Memory-Based Storage Devices74363848.6%
13g341vxResource Reclamation in Distributed Hash Tables744705.4%
23v0c369A Diary Study of Mobile Information Needs73393453.4%
4bf9f938ASIC Clouds: Specializing the Datacenter73363749.3%
6034x9r2Optimizing the Knapsack Problem733704.1%
6f6904scCACTI-IO Technical Report73314242.5%
3dw2p389Automatic Color Calibration for Large Camera Arrays72264636.1%
1405b1bzNetwork Telescopes: Technical Report67155222.4%
6x3149f2Critical-Path Aware Processor Architectures6795813.4%
91p660vvIncremental Sparse Binary Vector Similarity Search in High-Dimensional Space664626.1%
4436n65hAPST-DV: Divisible Load Scheduling and Deployment on the Grid652633.1%
3wt008fkRotational Position Optimization (RPO) Disk Scheduling626569.7%
51v4s0p7Improving the Speed and Scalability of Distributed Simulations of Sensor Networks58193932.8%
6v11p5b0A Practical Microcylinder Appearance Model for Cloth Rendering58322655.2%
6mj094vkAn Efficient FPGA Implementation of Scalable Matrix Inversion Core using QR Decomposition54104418.5%
7hf8346gCharacterizing Flash Memory: Anomalies, Observations, and Applications54302455.6%
8h1713t5NetShare: Virtualizing Data Center Networks across Services53371669.8%
0fk6869gSorting 100 TB on Google Compute Engine51262551.0%
59n9766xThe ActiveClass Project: Experiments in Encouraging Classroom Participation50113922.0%
5b87j38bS2Sim: Smart Grid Swarm Simulator48301862.5%
2cq4b381Metric Learning to Rank47173036.2%
49d79511BuildingSherlock: Fault Management Framework for HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings46321469.6%
62f8k8cqLearning to Traverse Image Manifolds46331371.7%
9278h2wwHardening the NOVA File System46262056.5%
8969r8tcAlgorithms for manifold learning4593620.0%
03c092nwHigh Resolution Video Playback in Immersive Virtual Environments44311370.5%
9tq826n1Verilogo: Proactive Phishing Detection via Logo Recognition44182640.9%
7682n2h8Estimating Profitability of Alternative Crypto-currencies43182541.9%
7s6184dqSAFE: Fast, Verifiable Sanitization for SSDs43192444.2%
8rx3b221New directions in traffic measurement and accounting43271662.8%
0ks7796cServices, SOAs and Integration at Scale42251759.5%
0rg4w4qbPeopleTones: Exploring Peripheral Cues in the Wild Using Mobile Phones42212150.0%
1td8x6g5Context Based Object Categorization: A Critical Survey42261661.9%
22t3w1wmReproducible User-Level Simulation of Multi-Threaded Workloads4234881.0%
3v3179bjProgramming Bulk-Incremental Dataflows42301271.4%
4dt6h2g9Uniform Hashing with Multiple Passbits42311173.8%
65x0x6nvAutomatic Protocol Inference: Unexpected Means of Identifying Protocols42311173.8%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.