Books and Book Chapters

Parent: UC San Diego Library

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
61h5s0mrAnything but Routine:<strong>&nbsp;</strong>A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs 5.031320510865.5%
8mq028p5Anything but Routine: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs v. 2.01934914425.4%
0xj4d6bmAnything but Routine: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs v. 4.0127379029.1%
63k9k1gfAnything but Routine: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs, v. 3.086186820.9%
5n73t7nbAnything but Routine: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs v. 1.0.79176221.5%
60f281r1Filling the Gaps: Data and GIS Services for the Undergraduate Researcher66313547.0%
0g88c5tcBeyond the Sandbox: Student Scholarship, Digital Citizenship, and the Production of Knowledge62184429.0%
8nt5h1rjGreening the Mothership: Growing the Environmental Sustainability Group at the University of California, San Diego Library614576.6%
2bx9c7gdSee How Our Garden Grows: Cultivating Community through a Fruit and Veggie Exchange5264611.5%
7tk8h1s6It Takes a Village Sustainability Starter5064412.0%
7b52z0c2Three-Step Data Searching4673915.2%
19v670ncAbsolutely Free Market403377.5%
4td1f2n7DIY Makers' Day3763116.2%
1jr8j3p3The Benefit and Implementation of an Employee Yoga Program3653113.9%
0711h3bfIncrementally Building Community and User Engagement in the UC San Diego Library2982127.6%
2gn7r9n2Radical Reference: Who Cares?2962320.7%
0c51d983The Case for Performance Support2832510.7%
0s270969Streamlining Library Computer Purchases through a Vision Statement and Purchasing Plan2542116.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.