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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Open Access Policy Deposits

This series is automatically populated with publications deposited by UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine researchers in accordance with the University of California’s open access policies. For more information see Open Access Policy Deposits and the UC Publication Management System.

Cover page of Variation in Specialists’ Reported Hospitalization Practices of Children Sustaining Blunt Head Trauma

Variation in Specialists’ Reported Hospitalization Practices of Children Sustaining Blunt Head Trauma


Introduction: Questions surround the appropriate emergency department (ED) disposition of children who have sustained blunt head trauma (BHT). Our objective was to identify physician disposition preferences of children with blunt head trauma (BHT) and varying computed tomography (CT) findings.

Methods: We surveyed pediatric and general emergency physicians (EP), pediatric neurosurgeons (PNSurg), general neurosurgeons (GNSurg), pediatric surgeons (PSurg) and trauma surgeons regarding care of two hypothetical patients: Case 1: a 9-year-old who fell 10 feet and Case 2: an 11-month-old who fell 5 feet.  We presented various CT findings and asked physicians about disposition preferences. We evaluated predictors of patient discharge using multivariable regression analysis adjusting for hospital and ED characteristics and clinician experience. Pediatric EPs served as the reference group.

Results: Of 2,341 eligible surveyed, 715 (31%) responded. Most would discharge children with linear skull fractures (Case 1, 71%; Case 2, 62%). Neurosurgeons were more likely to discharge children with small subarachnoid hemorrhages (Case 1 PNSurg OR 6.87, 95% CI 3.60, 13.10; GNSurg OR 6.54, 95% CI 2.38, 17.98; Case 2 PNSurg OR 5.38, 95% CI 2.64, 10.99; GNSurg OR 6.07, 95% CI 2.08, 17.76). PSurg were least likely to discharge children with any CT finding, even linear skull fractures (Case 1 OR 0.14, 95% CI 0.08, 0.23; Case 2 OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.11, 0.30). Few respondents (<6%) would discharge children with small intraventricular, subdural, or epidural bleeds.

Conclusion: Substantial variation exists between specialties in reported hospitalization practices of neurologically-normal children with BHT and traumatic CT findings. [West J Emerg Med. 2013;14(1):29-36.]

Cover page of Variation in Specialists’ Reported Hospitalization Practices of Children Sustaining Blunt Abdominal Trauma

Variation in Specialists’ Reported Hospitalization Practices of Children Sustaining Blunt Abdominal Trauma


Introduction: Children with blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) are often hospitalized despite no intervention. We identified factors associated with emergency department (ED) disposition of children with BAT and differing computed tomography (CT) findings.

Methods: We surveyed pediatric and general emergency physicians (EPs), pediatric and trauma surgeons regarding care of two hypothetical asymptomatic patients: a 9-year-old struck by a slow-moving car (Case 1) and an 11-month-old who fell 10 feet (Case 2). We presented various abdominal CT findings and asked physicians about disposition preferences. We evaluated predictors of patient discharge using multivariable regression analysis, adjusting for hospital and ED characteristics, and clinician experience. Pediatric EPs served as the reference group.

Results: Of 2,003 eligible surveyed, 636 (32%) responded. For normal CTs, 99% would discharge in Case 1 and 88% in Case 2. Prominent specialty differences included: for trace intraperitoneal fluid (TIF), 68% would discharge in Case 1 and 57% in Case 2. Patients with TIF were less likely to be discharged by pediatric surgeons (Case 1: OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.32, 0.82; Case 2: OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.30, 0.79). Patients with renal contusions were less likely to be discharged by pediatric surgeons (Case 1: OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.32, 0.95) and more likely by general EPs (Case 1: OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.25, 2.69; Case 2: OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.14, 4.89).

Conclusion: Substantial variation exists between specialties in reported hospitalization practices of asymptomatic children after abdominal trauma with minor CT findings. Better evidence is needed to guide disposition decisions. [West J Emerg Med. 2013;14(1):37-46.]

Cover page of Prehospital buprenorphine in treating symptoms of opioid withdrawal - a descriptive review of the first 131 cases in San Francisco, CA.

Prehospital buprenorphine in treating symptoms of opioid withdrawal - a descriptive review of the first 131 cases in San Francisco, CA.



Opioid use disorder (OUD) remains a common cause of overdose and mortality in the United States. Emergency medical services (EMS) clinicians often interact with patients with OUD, including during or shortly after an overdose. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and outcomes of patients receiving prehospital buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid withdrawal in an urban EMS system.


We performed a retrospective chart review of all initial cases of administration of buprenorphine-naloxone from April 2023 - July 2024 during the first 16 months of a program involving prehospital EMS administration of buprenorphine-naloxone by EMS clinicians to patients with OUD experiencing acute opioid withdrawal in San Francisco. The primary outcome involved reduction in Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Score (COWS) and other adverse events including worsened withdrawal (or increased COWS), nausea, patient destination, and loss to follow up were also assessed.


Buprenorphine was administered to 131 patients. In 82 (62.6%) cases, patients presented in withdrawal after receiving naloxone from bystanders or EMS as a treatment for overdose. The average COWS prior to administration was 16.1 ± 6.5 and the median COWS prior to administration was 15 (IQR: 11-19). Of the 78 cases where a COWS was available, 74 (94.9%) experienced symptom improvement, with the median COWS dropping from 15 (IQR: 11-19) to 7 (IQR: 4-13) between first and last recorded values. No adverse effects were reported in prehospital records. There was one reported in-hospital incident of withdrawal in the Emergency Department presumably precipitated by buprenorphine. Data on outcomes after EMS transport were limited. Only six patients were successfully contacted at 30 day follow up, but five of these patients were in long-term OUD treatment programs, and three reported sustained abstinence from opioid use. During case review, we found two cases where physicians assisted EMS personnel in recognizing recent methadone use, but no other missed exclusion criteria requiring physician input.


In San Francisco, prehospital administration of buprenorphine for acute opioid withdrawal by EMS clinicians resulted in symptomatic improvement, and case review suggests administration can be safe without direct EMS physician oversight.

Cover page of Rationale and development of a prehospital goal-directed bundle of care to prevent rearrest after return of spontaneous circulation.

Rationale and development of a prehospital goal-directed bundle of care to prevent rearrest after return of spontaneous circulation.


In patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) who attain return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), rearrest while in the prehospital setting represents a significant barrier to survival. To date, there are limited data to guide prehospital emergency medical services (EMS) management immediately following successful resuscitation resulting in ROSC and prior to handoff in the emergency department. Post-ROSC care encompasses a multifaceted approach including hemodynamic optimization, airway management, oxygenation, and ventilation. We sought to develop an evidenced-based, goal-directed bundle of care targeting specified vital parameters in the immediate post-ROSC period, with the goal of decreasing the incidence of rearrest and improving survival outcomes. Here, we describe the rationale and development of this goal-directed bundle of care, which will be adopted by several EMS agencies within California. We convened a group of EMS experts, including EMS Medical Directors, quality improvement officers, data managers, educators, EMS clinicians, emergency medicine clinicians, and resuscitation researchers to develop a goal-directed bundle of care to be applied in the field during the period immediately following ROSC. This care bundle includes guidance for prehospital personnel on recognition of impending rearrest, hemodynamic optimization, ventilatory strategies, airway management, and diagnosis of underlying causes prior to the initiation of transport.

Cover page of Implementation of an EMS-based naloxone distribution program: A qualitative evaluation.

Implementation of an EMS-based naloxone distribution program: A qualitative evaluation.


OBJECTIVES: We evaluated a novel leave-behind naloxone (LBN) program that allows Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel to distribute naloxone after an opioid overdose. Our objective was to explore EMS engagement and experiences with the program, as well as interest in education on addiction and harm reduction. We also assessed the acceptability of LBN programs among people who use drugs (PWUD). METHODS: We conducted telephone interviews with EMS personnel and residents of substance use recovery housing between February and September 2023. EMS personnel described their direct experiences with the LBN program and perceived facilitating factors and barriers to naloxone distribution. First responder interactions and support for LBN were explored with PWUD. A rapid assessment method was used to analyze the interview data. RESULTS: Eighteen of the 23 EMS participants had distributed LBN; most agreed EMS agencies should have an LBN program. Barriers included forgetting, patient acuity, patients declining, and perceived liability. Facilitators included having a clear protocol, accessible kits, and minimal documentation burden. The majority expressed interest in harm reduction education. Eight of the 11 PWUD participants reported recent involvement in an opioid overdose. The majority supported LBN and felt comfortable receiving naloxone training from EMS. CONCLUSION: In this qualitative evaluation, we found broad support for EMS-based naloxone distribution among EMS personnel and PWUD. We identified several modifiable barriers to the success of such programs, which should be the subject of future investigation. EMS and harm reduction communities should support the expansion of LBN programs across the United States.

Cover page of The San Francisco Health Systems Collaborative: Public Health and Health Care Delivery Systems Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The San Francisco Health Systems Collaborative: Public Health and Health Care Delivery Systems Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


The Covid-19 pandemic challenged health care delivery systems worldwide. Many acute care hospitals in communities that experienced surges in cases and hospitalizations had to make decisions such as rationing scarce resources. Hospitals serving low-income communities, communities of color, and those in other historically marginalized or vulnerable groups reported the greatest operational impacts of surges. However, cross-institutional collaborations within jurisdictions offer unique opportunities to prevent or mitigate health disparities in resource utilization and access to care. In January 2020, in response to the emerging coronavirus epidemic, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) and local hospital and health systems partners convened to align and coordinate medical surge planning and response. Adopting a governance structure of mutual accountability and transparency, the San Francisco Health Systems Collaborative guided local medical and public health response in the areas of medical surge, vaccination administration, testing, and therapeutics. Four principles guided the collaborative response: (1) shared priorities, (2) clear governance and accountability, (3) data transparency, and (4) operational coordination. High-level priorities established included protecting vulnerable people, protecting health care workers, and maintaining health system capacity. The governance structure consisted of three layers: local hospital and health systems CEOs coordinating with SFDPH executives; hospital chief medical and nursing officers coordinating high-level surge capacity assessments and mitigation plans; and local clinical operational managers working with public health response operational leaders to coordinate scarce resource utilization. Fluctuating with the tempo of the disease indicators and medical surge, governance and coordination were maintained through a tiered meeting and reporting system. Data visibility and transparency were key principles facilitating operational decision-making and executive-level coordination of resources, including identifying additional surge bed capacity for use systemwide, as well as ensuring efficient and equitable vaccine distribution through implementation of five mass-vaccination sites with prioritized access for vulnerable communities. Applying these four principles of shared priorities, accountability, transparency, and operational coordination and pragmatism helped the public health and individual hospital systems make contributions to the overall response that were aligned with their unique strengths and resources. Publication here represents the first official public use of the name San Francisco Health Systems Collaborative (which had served as the term used internally to refer to the group) and the first time codifying this structure. Through this coordination, San Francisco achieved one of the lowest Covid-19 death rates and had one of the highest vaccination and booster rates, compared with rates across California or the United States. Similar principles and implementation methods can be adopted by other health jurisdictions for future emergency outbreak response.

Cover page of Trends in presumed drug overdose out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in San Francisco, 2015-2023.

Trends in presumed drug overdose out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in San Francisco, 2015-2023.


INTRODUCTION: Estimates of the prevalence of drug-related out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) vary, ranging from 1.8% to 10.0% of medical OHCA. However, studies conducted prior to the recent wave of fentanyl deaths likely underestimate the current prevalence of drug-related OHCA. We evaluated recent trends in drug-related OHCA, hypothesizing that the proportion of presumed drug-related OHCA treated by emergency medical services (EMS) has increased since 2015. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of OHCA patients treated by EMS providers in San Francisco, California between 2015 and 2023. Participants included OHCA cases in which resuscitation was attempted by EMS. The study exposure was the year of arrest. Our primary outcome was the occurrence of drug-related OHCA, defined as the EMS impression of OHCA caused by a presumed or known overdose of medication(s) or drug(s). RESULTS: From 2015 to 2023, 5044 OHCA resuscitations attended by EMS (average 561 per year) met inclusion criteria. The median age was 65 (IQR 50-79); 3508 (69.6%) were male. The EMS impression of arrest etiology was drug-related in 446/5044 (8.8%) of OHCA. The prevalence of presumed drug-related OHCA increased significantly each year from 1% in 2015 to 17.6% in 2023 (p-value for trend = 0.0001). After adjustment, presumed drug-related OHCA increased by 30% each year from 2015-2023. CONCLUSION: Drug-related OHCA is an increasingly common etiology of OHCA. In 2023, one in six OHCA was presumed to be drug related. Among participants less than 60 years old, one in three OHCA was presumed to be drug related.

Cover page of Significant variation in computed tomography imaging of pregnant trauma patients: a retrospective multicenter study.

Significant variation in computed tomography imaging of pregnant trauma patients: a retrospective multicenter study.


PURPOSE: Following motor vehicle collisions (MVCs), patients often undergo extensive computed tomography (CT) imaging. However, pregnant trauma patients (PTPs) represent a unique population where the risk of fetal radiation may supersede the benefits of liberal CT imaging. This study sought to evaluate imaging practices for PTPs, hypothesizing variability in CT imaging among trauma centers. If demonstrated, this might suggest the need to develop specific guidelines to standardize practice. METHODS: A multicenter retrospective study (2016-2021) was performed at 12 Level-I/II trauma centers. Adult (≥18 years old) PTPs involved in MVCs were included, with no patients excluded. The primary outcome was the frequency of CT. Chi-square tests were used to compare categorical variables, and ANOVA was used to compare the means of normally distributed continuous variables. RESULTS: A total of 729 PTPs sustained MVCs (73% at high speed of ≥ 25 miles per hour). Most patients were mildly injured but a small variation of injury severity score (range 1.1-4.6, p < 0.001) among centers was observed. There was a variation of imaging rates for CT head (range 11.8-62.5%, p < 0.001), cervical spine (11.8-75%, p < 0.001), chest (4.4-50.2%, p < 0.001), and abdomen/pelvis (0-57.3%, p < 0.001). In high-speed MVCs, there was variation for CT head (12.5-64.3%, p < 0.001), cervical spine (16.7-75%, p < 0.001), chest (5.9-83.3%, p < 0.001), and abdomen/pelvis (0-60%, p < 0.001). There was no difference in mortality (0-2.9%, p =0.19). CONCLUSION: Significant variability of CT imaging in PTPs after MVCs was demonstrated across 12 trauma centers, supporting the need for standardization of CT imaging for PTPs to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure while ensuring optimal injury identification is achieved.