Replication/Extension Papers 2019 - 2020

Parent: Cognitive Science & Psychology Division, ULAB

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
68s4038jHow Do Foreign Accents Impact Perception and Credibility?353253287.1%
3sb656vrSelectively Distracted: Divided Attention and Memory for Important Information - A replication and extension study132101227.6%
1rr9g7gxThe effect of food anticipation on cognitive function- A replication study690690.0%
427638w7The Early Development of Gender-related Gay/lesbian Stereotypes572553.5%
60j1h9v2The Effect of Mood States on the Reduction of False Memories: A Replication andExtension Study554517.3%
4rk794ctGender stereotypes about intellectual ability emergy early and influence children's interests: extension and replication472454.3%
2h67b7njThe influence of fundamental frequency on perceived duration: A replication study451442.2%
4n1922gtAn Extension Study: fMRI use to Distinguish Between Deception andGeneral Memory3943510.3%
81r4m8k3An Extension of “Can fMRI discriminate between deception and false memory? A meta-analytic comparison between deception and false memory studies”3352815.2%
1mf941grA Cognitive Model of the Generation of Singular Concepts and the Mental Systems Involved1931615.8%
33p662qrDo human screams permit individual recognition? - Replication1821611.1%
0x02t1gsAerobic Exercise for Alzheimer’s Disease131127.7%
23t4z60wConsistency and variability in functional localisers112918.2%
6k5084pjVisual Field Maps of the Visual Cortex9090.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.