Replication/Extension Papers 2020 - 2021

Parent: Cognitive Science & Psychology Division, ULAB

eScholarship stats: History by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-062024-052024-042024-03
28k7p8jcExperiential Stress and Physiological Stress: Implication of Coherence. A Replication and Extension Study41681314
2nx8m7d0Visual Attention Intensifies Emotion: A Replication Study38651215
65d8n640Significant Group-Level Brain Activity during Trail-Making Test Performance3261268
1d85q1sxA Reversal of Roles: Effects of Visual Attention on Emotion. A replication of Attention drives emotion: Voluntary visual attention increases perceived emotional intensity.269296
8cj8s8swInvariant Representations of Mass in the Human Brain and Its Effects on Inferences on Physical Collisions263779
9n2618c3All in a Day’s Laugh: A Replication and Extension of the Stress-Buffering Model of Positive Affect268558
1rf5320bEvaluating the Effects of Fatigue-Induction on Mice’s Cognitive Behavior222875
2gv9b1pxLingering Negative Affect in Response to Daily Stressors in relation with Physical Health Years Later: A Longitudinal Replication224774
2sg15990‘Fairness Informs Social Decision Making in Infancy’ - Replication183168
4xc6n2bjExploration of Subthreshold Beta-Amyloid Levels and Effects on Longitudinal Cognitive Function163382
5g81c2nmChildren’s Use of Gender as a Social Cue: A Replication Study133325
95m180f9A Statistical Replication of the Relationship Between Dimension-Switch and Language Comprehension in Young Children12246
7jh2h32gDistinct Representations of Subtraction and Multiplication in the Neural Systems for Numerosity and Language - A replication study113251

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.