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eScholarship Publishing
Scholarly Works (1 results)
Peer Reviewed
Publisher Correction: Precision and accuracy of single-molecule FRET measurements—a multi-laboratory benchmark study
Hellenkamp, Björn
Schmid, Sonja
Doroshenko, Olga
Opanasyuk, Oleg
Kühnemuth, Ralf
Adariani, Soheila Rezaei
Ambrose, Benjamin
Aznauryan, Mikayel
Barth, Anders
Birkedal, Victoria
Bowen, Mark E
Chen, Hongtao
Cordes, Thorben
Eilert, Tobias
Fijen, Carel
Gebhardt, Christian
Götz, Markus
Gouridis, Giorgos
Gratton, Enrico
Ha, Taekjip
Hao, Pengyu
Hanke, Christian A
Hartmann, Andreas
Hendrix, Jelle
Hildebrandt, Lasse L
Hirschfeld, Verena
Hohlbein, Johannes
Hua, Boyang
Hübner, Christian G
Kallis, Eleni
Kapanidis, Achillefs N
Kim, Jae-Yeol
Krainer, Georg
Lamb, Don C
Lee, Nam Ki
Lemke, Edward A
Levesque, Brié
Levitus, Marcia
McCann, James J
Naredi-Rainer, Nikolaus
Nettels, Daniel
Ngo, Thuy
Qiu, Ruoyi
Robb, Nicole C
Röcker, Carlheinz
Sanabria, Hugo
Schlierf, Michael
Schröder, Tim
Schuler, Benjamin
Seidel, Henning
Streit, Lisa
Thurn, Johann
Tinnefeld, Philip
Tyagi, Swati
Vandenberk, Niels
Vera, Andrés Manuel
Weninger, Keith R
Wünsch, Bettina
Yanez-Orozco, Inna S
Michaelis, Jens
Seidel, Claus AM
Craggs, Timothy D
Hugel, Thorsten
UC Irvine Previously Published Works
This paper was originally published under standard Springer Nature copyright. As of the date of this correction, the Analysis is available online as an open-access paper with a CC-BY license. No other part of the paper has been changed.