New information technologies have the potential to transform the ways governments are organized, the activities they perform, the manner in which such activities are performed and even the nature of the work itself. Governments in the US and Scandinavia have followed fundamentally different approaches to the introduction of computing and to dealing with its effects. In the US, automation has been individualistic – each individual unit of government has introduced the technology according to its own needs. For the most part, the implemented systems were small scale, have followed functional lines, have merely automated existing operations, were implemented incrementally and have evolved slowly over time. In contrast, automation in Scandinavia has been communal – systems have been designed, developed and implemented by communal data processing agencies serving an entire level of government, national or local. The systems introduced were relatively large scale, have crossed functional lines, have involved the reorganization of work, have integrated both data and work processes, and were implemented more or less simultaneously for all units or agencies of government. These differences in approach to automation have influenced each country’s view of the role of government in anticipating and dealing with the effects of changes in computer technology on the public workforce. © 1995, Operational Research Society Ltd.