- Antony, Jacob;
- Chin, Anthony;
- Whaley, Christopher;
- Hsing, Allen;
- Eslava, Aaron;
- Trauger, Andrew;
- Diaz, Angel;
- Licos, Angelina;
- Chau, Brian;
- Chung, Brigitte;
- Kang, Calvin;
- Parker, Crew;
- Pena, Daniel;
- Kim, Dillon;
- Li, Harbour;
- Ng, Jefferson;
- Nguyen, Joshua;
- Nguyen, Kaitlyn;
- Haddad, Marc;
- Stark, Max;
- Veloya, Nicol;
- Koo, Rachael;
- Goja, Riya;
- Mawlawi, Ryan;
- Quach, Ryan;
- Scholin, Rye;
- Der, Sam;
- Mehra, Syona;
- Hwang, Taesung;
- Ngo, Timothy;
- Anand, Vrushang;
- Ning, Oscar;
- Solorzano, Diego;
- Nomura, Kaydi;
- Ko, Michelle
The overall objective for HyperXite 9 was to design and build a more robust, and reliable pod, capable of proving the feasibility of a high-speed transportation system. We are working to improve a linear induction motor as the pod's propulsion system. We are also designing and implementing a thermal cooling system to actively dissipate the heat generated by this propulsion system. Our team is comprised of the following 7 subteams: Static Structures, Braking & Pneumatics, Dynamic Structures, Propulsion, Power Systems, Control Systems, and Outreach.