It is well known that the concept of a point charge interacting with the electromagnetic (EM) field has a problem. To address that problem we introduce the concept of wave-corpuscle to describe spinless elementary charges interacting with the classical EM field. Every charge interacts only with the EM field and is described by a complex valued wave function over the 4-dimensional space time continuum. A system of many charges interacting with the EM field is defined by a local, gauge and Lorentz invariant Lagrangian with a key ingredient—a nonlinear self-interaction term providing for a cohesive force assigned to every charge. An ideal wave-corpuscle is an exact solution to the Euler-Lagrange equations describing both free and accelerated motions. It carries explicitly features of a point charge and the de Broglie wave. Our analysis shows that a system of well separated charges moving with nonrelativistic velocities are represented accurately as wave-corpuscles governed by the Newton equations of motion for point charges interacting with the Lorentz forces. In this regime the nonlinearities are “stealthy” and don’t show explicitly anywhere, but they provide for the binding forces that keep localized every individual charge. The theory can also be applied to closely interacting charges as in hydrogen atom where it produces discrete energy spectrum.