Mobile virtual reality devices are becoming more common, and yet their performance is still too low to be considered ideal. Frame rate and latency are two of the most important areas that should improve in order to provide a high-quality virtual reality experience. Meanwhile, positional tracking is improving the immersive experience of new mobile virtual reality devices by allowing users to physically move about in space and see their corresponding view matched in the virtual world. Timewarping is a technique that can improve the perceived latency and frame rate of virtual reality systems, but the positional variant of timewarping has proven to be difficult to implement on mobile devices due to the performance demands. A depth-informed positional time warp cannot be fully parallelized due to the depth test required for each pixel or group of pixels.
This thesis proposes a positional timewarp hardware accelerator for mobile devices. The accelerator accepts a rendered frame and depth image and produces an updated frame corresponding to the user’s head position and orientation. The accelerator is compatible with existing deferred rendering engines for minimal modification of the software structure. Its execution time is directly proportional to the image resolution and is agnostic of the scene complexity. The accelerator’s size can be adjusted to meet the latency requirement for a given image resolution. It can be integrated into a system-on-chip or fabricated as a separate chip.
Three examples are designed and simulated to show the performance potential of this accelerator architecture. The designs provide latencies of 15.43 ms, 11.58 ms and 9.27 ms for frame rates of 64.7, 86.4 and 107.9 frames per second, respectively. Although the visual side-effects may be insufficiently few to completely disregard the GPU’s frame rate, the accelerator can still improve the end-to-end positional latency and is also capable of substituting the GPU in the case of dropped frames.