Oral biotin supplementation is known to interfere with biotin-streptavidin-based immunoassays, including Roche's fifth-generation cardiac troponin T (cTnT) assay, which plays a critical role in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). The utility of dilution, a quick and easy method to detect and remove interferences, has not been published for biotin interference.Methods
Concentrations of cTnT were measured in pooled serum from clinical samples. Serum samples were supplemented with biotin to known concentrations, then cTnT concentrations were remeasured to assess for biotin interference. Samples were then diluted to assess for effective removal of biotin interference.Results
At cTnT values near the critical reporting range for our institution (100 ng/L) we observed significant interference in measured values with added biotin concentrations above 50 ng/mL. In specimens without added biotin, autodilution at a 1:10 ratio yielded a mean 157% capture of measured cTnT, precluding the use of autodilution for detecting and mitigating biotin interference. A 1:10 dilution with serum containing 20-30 ng/L cTnT yielded a mean capture of 107%, which was suitable for detecting underlying biotin interference in supplemented samples.Conclusions
Biotin interference, at supraphysiologic concentrations, may create an artifactual reduction in measured cTnT to levels that could lead to delayed detection of an MI. Dilution with serum of known cTnT concentration of 20-30 ng/L is a fast and effective method to mitigate the analytical consequences of biotin interference.