Fluent conversation is a marvel of multi-tasking within the
language domain: listeners must simultaneously comprehend
the speaker, predict a turn transition point, and plan a
response. Experiment 1 used spontaneous conversation to
investigate the apparent demands of conversation on working
memory by manipulating the difficulty of a secondary task.
The experiment found support for Load Theory's (e.g., Lavie
et al. 2004) prediction that both conversational fluency and
performance on a secondary task would decrease as working
memory load increased. However, there was also some
support for Pickering and Garrod's (2004, 2013) proposal that
dialogue is facilitated by a collection of automatic cognitive
operations when interlocutors are well-aligned (i.e., using the
same words, phrases, and structures to discuss the same
topics). Experiment 2 tested two claims motivated by this
account: alignment is necessary for fluent turn transitions, and
lexical repetition between speakers is an essential component
of the alignment advantage. We found support for the former
claim, but not the latter.