- Hibberd, Matthew;
- Webber, Daniel;
- Rodionov, Dmitry;
- Henrissat, Suzanne;
- Chen, Robert;
- Zhou, Cyrus;
- Lynn, Hannah;
- Wang, Yi;
- Chang, Hao-Wei;
- Lee, Evan;
- Lelwala-Guruge, Janaki;
- Kazanov, Marat;
- Arzamasov, Aleksandr;
- Leyn, Semen;
- Lombard, Vincent;
- Terrapon, Nicolas;
- Henrissat, Bernard;
- Castillo, Juan;
- Couture, Garret;
- Bacalzo, Nikita;
- Chen, Ye;
- Lebrilla, Carlito;
- Mostafa, Ishita;
- Das, Subhasish;
- Mahfuz, Mustafa;
- Barratt, Michael;
- Osterman, Andrei;
- Ahmed, Tahmeed;
- Gordon, Jeffrey
Evidence is accumulating that perturbed postnatal development of the gut microbiome contributes to childhood malnutrition1-4. Here we analyse biospecimens from a randomized, controlled trial of a microbiome-directed complementary food (MDCF-2) that produced superior rates of weight gain compared with a calorically more dense conventional ready-to-use supplementary food in 12-18-month-old Bangladeshi children with moderate acute malnutrition4. We reconstructed 1,000 bacterial genomes (metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs)) from the faecal microbiomes of trial participants, identified 75 MAGs of which the abundances were positively associated with ponderal growth (change in weight-for-length Z score (WLZ)), characterized changes in MAG gene expression as a function of treatment type and WLZ response, and quantified carbohydrate structures in MDCF-2 and faeces. The results reveal that two Prevotella copri MAGs that are positively associated with WLZ are the principal contributors to MDCF-2-induced expression of metabolic pathways involved in utilizing the component glycans of MDCF-2. The predicted specificities of carbohydrate-active enzymes expressed by their polysaccharide-utilization loci are correlated with (1) the in vitro growth of Bangladeshi P. copri strains, possessing varying degrees of polysaccharide-utilization loci and genomic conservation with these MAGs, in defined medium containing different purified glycans representative of those in MDCF-2, and (2) the levels of faecal carbohydrate structures in the trial participants. These associations suggest that identifying bioactive glycan structures in MDCFs metabolized by growth-associated bacterial taxa will help to guide recommendations about their use in children with acute malnutrition and enable the development of additional formulations.