In an effect we call color from motion (CFM), apparent motion is accompanied by subjective color spread seen in physically achromatic regions. Here we report that physical lights can cancel the subjective color seen in CFM. As measured by cancellation, the saturation of the subjective color spread increases as the luminance of the test elements increase. Without luminance differences between test and surround elements, chromaticity differences alone can result in the perception of subjective color spread. In this case, subjective color spread is seen without seeing a subjective contour, suggesting that CFM does not require contour formation and that color - independent of contour - can be recovered in tandem with seeing motion. There are two modes in which CFM is perceived, either (1) as a localized change of illumination, a colored spotlight or shadow, moving over a textured surface or (2) as a moving, colored object seen through holes in an occluding surface. The mode in which CFM is seen depends on figural cues and on regional differences in luminance contrast between the chromatic elements and the achromatic background. Regions with distinct figural cues are always seen as moving; and CFM is seen in the first mode if the regions are of lower luminance contrast and in the second mode if the regions are of higher luminance contrast. Without figural cues, the regions of lower luminance contrast are always seen to move and CFM is seen in the first mode.