- Collaboration, BeyondPlanck;
- Andersen, KJ;
- Aurlien, R;
- Banerji, R;
- Basyrov, A;
- Bersanelli, M;
- Bertocco, S;
- Brilenkov, M;
- Carbone, M;
- Colombo, LPL;
- Eriksen, HK;
- Eskilt, JR;
- Foss, MK;
- Franceschet, C;
- Fuskeland, U;
- Galeotta, S;
- Galloway, M;
- Gerakakis, S;
- Gjerløw, E;
- Hensley, B;
- Herman, D;
- Iacobellis, M;
- Ieronymaki, M;
- Ihle, HT;
- Jewell, JB;
- Karakci, A;
- Keihänen, E;
- Keskitalo, R;
- Lunde, JGS;
- Maggio, G;
- Maino, D;
- Maris, M;
- Mennella, A;
- Paradiso, S;
- Partridge, B;
- Reinecke, M;
- San, M;
- Stutzer, N-O;
- Suur-Uski, A-S;
- Svalheim, TL;
- Tavagnacco, D;
- Thommesen, H;
- Watts, DJ;
- Wehus, IK;
- Zacchei, A
We describe the BeyondPlanck project in terms of motivation, methodology and
main products, and provide a guide to a set of companion papers that describe
each result in fuller detail. We implement a complete end-to-end Bayesian
analysis framework for the Planck LFI observations. The primary product is a
full joint posterior distribution $P(\omega|d)$, where $\omega$ represents the
set of all free instrumental, astrophysical, and cosmological parameters.
Notable advantages of this approach are seamless end-to-end propagation of
uncertainties; accurate modeling of both astrophysical and instrumental effects
in the most natural basis for each uncertain quantity; optimized computational
costs with little or no need for intermediate human interaction between various
analysis steps; and a complete overview of the entire analysis process within
one single framework. We focus in particular on low-$\ell$ CMB polarization
reconstruction with Planck LFI. We identify several important new effects that
have not been accounted for in previous pipelines, including gain
over-smoothing and time-variable and non-$1/f$ correlated noise in the 30 and
44 GHz channels. We find that all results are consistent with the $\Lambda$CDM
model, and we constrain the reionization optical depth to $\tau=0.066\pm0.013$,
with a low-resolution $\chi^2$ probability-to-exceed of 32%. This uncertainty
is about 30% larger than the official pipelines, arising from taking into
account a more complete instrumental model. The marginal CMB Solar dipole
amplitude is $3362.7\pm1.4\mu\mathrm{K}$, where the error bar is derived
directly from the posterior distribution without the need of any ad-hoc
instrumental corrections. We are currently not aware of any significant
unmodelled systematic effects remaining in the Planck LFI data, and, for the
first time, the 44 GHz channel is fully exploited. (Abridged.)