- Pyne, Jeffrey M;
- Kelly, P Adam;
- Fischer, Ellen P;
- Miller, Christopher J;
- Connolly, Samantha L;
- Wright, Patricia;
- Zamora, Kara;
- Koenig, Christopher J;
- Seal, Karen H;
- Fortney, John C
Access to high-quality health care, including mental health care, remains a high priority for the Department of Veterans Affairs and civilian health care systems. Increased access to mental health care is associated with improved outcomes, including decreased suicidal behavior. Multiple policy changes and interventions are being developed and implemented to improve access to mental health care. The Perceived Access Inventory (PAI) is a patient-centered questionnaire developed to understand the veteran perspective about access to mental health services. The PAI is a self-report measure that includes 43 items across 5 domains: Logistics (6 items), Culture (4 items), Digital (9 items), Systems of Care (13 items), and Experiences of Care (11 items). This article is a preliminary examination of the concurrent and convergent validity of the PAI with respect to the Hoge Perceived Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Services scale (concurrent) and the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ; convergent). Telephone interviews were conducted with veterans from 3 geographic regions. Eligibility criteria included screening positive for posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol use disorder, or depression in the past 12 months. Data from 92 veterans were analyzed using correlation matrices. PAI scores were significantly correlated with the Hoge total score (concurrent validity) and CSQ scores (convergent validity). The PAI items with the strongest correlation with CSQ were in the Systems of Care domain and the weakest were in the Logistics domain. Future efforts will evaluate validity using larger data sets and utilize the PAI to develop and test interventions to improve access to care. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).