Type I Interferons (Type I IFNs) are critical for host defense against a wide range of viral infections but can enhance the pathogenicity of several bacterial pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)(1–4). Given the significance of Type I IFN signaling in determining Mtb infection outcomes we sought to uncover new molecular mechanisms controlling Type I IFN activation during mycobacterial infection. We performed a genome-wide CRISPR interference screen in human macrophages to identify genes that regulate IFN-β, during infection with M. marinum (Mm). In addition to known regulators of Type I IFN, we identified UFL1, which encodes the E3 ligase for the ubiquitin-like protein UFM1, as a major regulator of IFN-β during mycobacterial infection. Depletion of other components of the UFMylation pathway, DDRGK1 and UFM1, also resulted in increased IFN-β, indicating that UFMylation activity is required for Type I IFN regulation. Deficiency in UFMylation resulted in increased production and secretion of IFN-β during macrophage infection with both Mm and Mtb compared to control cells. Additionally, silencing UFL1 resulted in increased expression of several interferon stimulated genes and other pro-inflammatory genes, including TNF and IL-6, at both the mRNA and protein level. Transcriptional profiling revealed a surprisingly broad increase in pro-inflammatory responses of UFL1-deficient cells during Mtb infection, particularly for interferon-stimulated genes. Our data reveals an unexpected role of the UFMylation pathway in suppressing Type I IFN, a pro-inflammatory immune pathway with detrimental effects on Mtb infection outcome.
Additionally, we investigated aspects of how Type I IFN is induced by Mtb – specifically the mechanistic basis for phagosome permeabilization by Mtb. Phagosome permeabilization correlates with the induction of Type I Interferon and is a critical step of bacterial intracellular pathogenesis. M. tuberculosis is hypothesized to permeabilize the host phagosome using a specialized secretion system, ESX-1(5). It has not been possible to determine the specific factors directly mediating ESX-1-catalyzed permeabilization, as disruptions of single ESX-1 substrates are reported to abrogate or impair secretion of total ESX-1 secretion -- a phenomenon termed “co-dependent secretion” -- however this rule may have some exceptions(6–9). This study tests the hypothesis that the ESX-1 substrates EspE and EspF are required for phagosomal disruption and found that they were not absolutely required for phagosomal disruption in M. marinum. This study also finds that phthiocerol dimycocerosate, PDIM, a lipid present in the outer leaflet of the mycobacterial envelope appeared to be dispensable for surface-localization of EspE(10,11). This study also investigated the sequence elements sufficient for ESX-5-mediated secretion of fusion constructs but was inconclusive.