This report assesses the current and near-future conditions related to the disposal of Battery Electric Buses, specifically their batteries. The report begins by explaining the reasons and legislation in the current day which is pushing the adoption of zero emission buses as well as the growing interest in exploring new reuse and recycling methods. The subsequent section consists of interview responses from various transit agencies currently planning on electrifying their fleet, cataloging their concerns and options for disposal that are currently being considered. Following is a section with interview content from bus manufacturers on the current state of battery design and policies, as well as an exploration of future services possibly offered by these companies. The report then focuses on summarizing general trends in the US battery recycling and reuse market, as well as resources for transit agencies, to determine which disposal strategy is right for them. Finally, the report closes with recommendations for all stakeholders on how to best prepare for future disposal needs, from both the manufacturer and transit agency perspective, and some recommendations to increase battery recycling/reuse capacity domestically addressed to the state and the federal government.