We investigate the algebraic theory of symmetry-enriched topological (SET) order in (2+1)D bosonic topological phases of matter and its applications to topological quantum computing. Our goal is twofold: first, to demonstrate how an abstract categorical approach can be applied to understand phenomena in (2+1)D topological phases of matter, and second, to show how ideas from physics can be useful for categorification.
After reviewing modular tensor categories (MTCs) and their role as algebraic theories of anyons in topological phases of matter, we recall their associated quantum representations and their interpretation as quantum gates for a topological quantum computer. Next we recall the characterization of SET order in terms of $G$-crossed braided extensions of MTCs and the mathematical formalism of topological quantum computing (TQC) with anyons and symmetry defects.
We then apply modular tensor category theory to construct algebraic models of symmetry defects in multi-layer (2+1)D topological order with layer-exchange permutation symmetry. Our main result frames a correspondence between bilayer symmetry enriched topological order and monolayer topological order on surfaces with genus, illuminating a connection between quantum symmetry and topological order that first appeared in the work of condensed matter theorists Barkeshi, Ji, and Qian.
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