We develop an analytical statistical-mechanical model for hydrophobic solvation in water. In this three-dimensional Mercedes-Benz-like model, two neighboring waters have three possible interaction states: a radial van der Waals interaction, a tetrahedral orientation-dependent hydrogen-bonding interaction, or no interaction. Nonpolar solutes are modeled as van der Waals particles of different radii. The model is sufficiently simple that we can calculate the partition function and thermal and volumetric properties of solvation versus temperature, pressure, and solute radius. Predictions are in good agreement with results of Monte Carlo simulations. And their trends agree with experiments on hydrophobic solute insertion. The theory shows that first-shell waters are more highly structured than bulk waters, because of hydrogen bonding, and that that structure melts out faster with temperature than it does in bulk waters. Because the theory is analytical, it can explore a broad range of solvation properties and anomalies of water, at minimal computational expense.