We present low-temperature thermal expansion measurements on the nominally 10% Cd doped CeCoIn5. While the superconducting transition temperature is monotonically suppressed, an antiferromagnetic phase evolves in CeCoIn5 by Cd-doping. For the uniaxial pressure dependence of the Néel temperature along c, we find (∂ TN / ∂ p)∥ c = 0.206 K / GPa. The magnetic field dependence (for B ∥ c) of TN is stronger compared to CeRhIn5. As no traces of a superconducting transition are resolved in thermal expansion along the c-axis, we estimate a lower limit of the in-plane pressure dependence to (∂ Tc / ∂ p)⊥ c = 0.38 K / GPa. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.