Highly coherent sensing matrices arise in discretization of continuum imaging
problems such as radar and medical imaging when the grid spacing is below the Rayleigh
threshold. Algorithms based on techniques of band exclusion (BE) and local optimization
(LO) are proposed to deal with such coherent sensing matrices. These techniques are
embedded in the existing compressed sensing algorithms such as Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
(OMP), Subspace Pursuit (SP), Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT), Basis Pursuit (BP) and
Lasso, and result in the modified algorithms BLOOMP, BLOSP, BLOIHT, BP-BLOT and Lasso-BLOT,
respectively. Under appropriate conditions, it is proved that BLOOMP can reconstruct
sparse, widely separated objects up to one Rayleigh length in the Bottleneck distance {\em
independent} of the grid spacing. One of the most distinguishing attributes of BLOOMP is
its capability of dealing with large dynamic ranges. The BLO-based algorithms are
systematically tested with respect to four performance metrics: dynamic range, noise
stability, sparsity and resolution. With respect to dynamic range and noise stability,
BLOOMP is the best performer. With respect to sparsity, BLOOMP is the best performer for
high dynamic range while for dynamic range near unity BP-BLOT and Lasso-BLOT with the
optimized regularization parameter have the best performance. In the noiseless case,
BP-BLOT has the highest resolving power up to certain dynamic range. The algorithms BLOSP
and BLOIHT are good alternatives to BLOOMP and BP/Lasso-BLOT: they are faster than both
BLOOMP and BP/Lasso-BLOT and shares, to a lesser degree, BLOOMP's amazing attribute with
respect to dynamic range. Detailed comparisons with existing algorithms such as Spectral
Iterative Hard Thresholding (SIHT) and the frame-adapted BP are given.