The full theory of Quantum Gravity (QG) that unites gravity and quantum mechanics has not yet been discovered. One of the pressing issues is to correctly account for unitarity in quantum mechanical processes, even on a static curved spacetime. The presence of black holes in particular leads to profound issues with unitary evolution and locality. Though Hawking radiation and gravitational interactions are well studied in the Heisenberg picture, this work uses the Schr\"{o}dinger picture to examine their evolution. Through the ADM decomposition and the associated Hamiltonian we can study the Schr\"{o}dinger picture, and define the unitary time evolution operator, as in regular quantum mechanics. By carefully examining the Schr\"{o}dinger picture, we aim to provide a clearer understanding of QG, and defer the study of changes needed to unitarize the theory to later work. This thesis focuses in particular on massless scalar fields propagating on curved spacetimes of dimension $D\geq 4$. The simplicity of the scalar field is a useful test case, and we expect to be able to generalize to other, more complicated fields. First, Hawking radiation is studied for Schwarzschild black holes in the Schr\"{o}dinger picture. Using the ADM decomposition, ``nice slices'' are introduced, which are smooth foliations of the spacetime that are regular across the horizon, rather than the more typical singular ones involving tortoise coordinates. The role of ultra high energy Hawking modes is discussed, and these are found to be a result of the choice of singular coordinates used near the horizon, rather than an indication of transplanckian physics occurring on the horizon scale. In addition, the constraint equations, which are the ADM decomposition of the Einstein equations, are expanded to second order in $\kappa = \sqrt{32 \pi G}$ in an arbitrary background spacetime. Observable operators are ``dressed'' in their gravitational fields, in analogy with the description from quantum field theories, and the creation of such an operator makes an associated field which extends to infinity. A general form for the gravitational dressing is found to leading order using the expansion of the constraint equations.