Chemical contaminant profiles are linked to an animals niche, providing a potential tool by which to assess resource partitioning in pelagic species. As proof of concept, we examined contaminant signatures in three species of sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus, Prionace glauca, and Alopias vulpinus) known to overlap in both space and time. Since these sharks comprise a predatory guild within the Southern California Bight (SCB), we predicted that species may partition spatial and dietary resources to limit the extent of competitive exclusion. Indeed, species were distinguishable by both total contaminant loads and their contaminant fingerprint, as random forest analysis found that species could be correctly classified 96% of the time. Our results demonstrate the utility of chemical analyses for ecological studies, and how contaminant tracers can be used in combination with traditional methods to elucidate how species may undergo niche partitioning to reduce competition for overlapping resources within predatory guilds.