Reasoners distinguish between different types of causal
relations, such as causes, enabling conditions, and
preventions. Psychologists disagree about the representations
that give rise to the different relations, but agree that mental
simulations play a central role in inferring them. We explore
how causal relations are extracted from mental simulations.
The theory of mental models posits that people use a
kinematic simulation to infer possibilities. It predicts that
causes should be easier to infer than enabling conditions, and
that the time it takes to infer a causal relation should correlate
with the number of moves in a mental simulation. To test
these two predictions, we adapted a railway domain designed
to elicit mental simulations, and we devised problems in
which reasoners had to infer causal relations from simulations
of the movements of cars in this domain. Two studies
corroborated the model theory's predictions. We discuss the
results in light of recent theories of causation and mental