Educational software based on teachable agents has
repeatedly proven to have positive effects on students’
learning outcomes. The strongest effects have been shown for
low-performers. A number of mechanisms have been
proposed to explore this outcome, in particular mechanisms
that involve attributions of social agency to teachable agents.
Our study examined whether an expression of high versus
low self-efficacy in a teachable agent would affect low-
performing students with respect to their learning outcomes
and with respect to a potential change in their own self-
efficacy. The learning domain was mathematics, specifically
the base-ten system. Results were that the learning outcomes
of low-performers who taught a low self-efficacy agent were
significantly better than the learning outcomes of low-
performers who taught a high self-efficacy agent. There were
no effects from the manipulation of self-efficacy expressed by
the teachable agent on changes of the low-performing
students’ own self-efficacy.