Quantum spin liquids are an emergent state of matter, where the interplay betweendifferent exchange interactions can facilitate long range magnetic disorder. The disordered ground state of HKQSL has unique physical properties, of special interest is their
potential to facilitate topologically protected qubits. We have successfully fabricated
a candidate QSL material following the Heisenberg-Kitaev model: NaRuO2, using a
rather unusual solid state reaction approach involving out of equilibrium synthesis and
fine tuned parameters for inorganic reactions.
NaRuO2 exists at a unique spot in the Na-Ru-O phase space, being able to support
such a fragile ground state. Investigating the Na-Ru-O phase space using the aforementioned solid state reaction to further distinguish it from other compounds, notably
the very similar Na2RuO3. The same fabrication technique was also used to create a
dopant series where Fe ions replace some of the Ru ions in the lattice, making the same
layered structure, albeit one with a different ground state: spin glass.
Characterizing the ground state of this HKQSL candidate was done using various
methods. The fine structure and spin orbit coupling were probed using synchrotron
x-ray techniques: X ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and Resonant Inelastic X-ray
Scattering (RIXS). The macro lattice properties: electric, thermal and magnetic, were measured at low temperatures and showed the inherent disorder of the system at the ground state. Finally, the nature of the low-temperature magnetic fluctuations was explored using inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and muon spin resonance (μSR), revealing continuum
excitations that may be of quantum origins. Quantum critical scaling methods were
used to analyze the INS spectrum, confirming the proximity of the NaRuO2 ground
state to a quantum phase transition.