Nature (July 29, 1961) published Leakey-Evernden-Curtis on new dating which indicated that the usual million years for the evolution of man and culture might be extended to 1,750,000 years or more. Knowing our readers are interested in tbe significance of the new dating for theories of human evolution, we asked 26 scholars to suppose that these dates are correct and to write a comment for CA. A few responded, but others refused to do so until the dates can be verified. Meanwhile, von Koenigswald-Genmer-Lippolt published an article (Nature November 25, 1961) indicating a difference in K/A dates of material from the same site. At this point the New Scientist (November 30, 1961) published a short report on this controversy concluding that we should have to await new dates. F. Clark Howell has kindly prepared for CA this progress report on the dating, which both Leakey and von Koenigswald have approved. When the dates are settled, we shall proceed with the symposium now held in aheyance. - Editor