Machine learning, particularly deep neural networks, has become a powerful tool in scientific research. In this thesis, we demonstrate how neural networks can enhance performance and reduce memory requirements in physics-based simulation applications for computer graphics.In the first part of the thesis we present a novel deep learning approach to approximate the solution of large, sparse, symmetric, positive-definite linear systems of equations. These systems arise from many problems in applied science, e.g., in numerical methods for partial differential equations. Algorithms for approximating the solution to these systems are often the bottleneck in problems that require their solution, particularly for modern applications that require many millions of unknowns. Indeed, numerical linear algebra techniques have been investigated for many decades to alleviate this computational burden. Recently, data-driven techniques have also shown promise for these problems. Motivated by the conjugate gradients algorithm that iteratively selects search directions for minimizing the matrix norm of the approximation error, we design an approach that utilizes a deep neural network to accelerate convergence via data-driven improvement of the search direction at each iteration. Our method leverages a carefully chosen convolutional network to approximate the action of the inverse of the linear operator up to an arbitrary constant. We train the network using self-supervised learning with a loss function equal to the $L^2$ difference between an input and the system matrix times the network evaluation, where the unspecified constant in the approximate inverse is accounted for. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on spatially discretized Poisson equations, which arise in computational fluid dynamics applications, with millions of degrees of freedom. Unlike state-of-the-art learning approaches, our algorithm is capable of reducing the linear system residual to a given tolerance in a small number of iterations, independent of the problem size. Moreover, our method generalizes effectively to various systems beyond those encountered during training.
In the second part we present learning-based implicit shape representations designed for real-time avatar collision queries arising in the simulation of clothing. Signed distance functions (SDFs) have been used for such queries for many years due to their computational efficiency. Recently deep neural networks have been used for implicit shape representations (DeepSDFs) due to their ability to represent multiple shapes with modest memory requirements compared to traditional representations over dense grids. However, the computational expense of DeepSDFs prevents their use in real-time clothing simulation applications. We design a learning-based representation of SDFs for human avatars whose bodies change shape kinematically due to joint-based skinning. Rather than using a single DeepSDF for the entire avatar, we use a collection of extremely computationally efficient (shallow) neural networks that represent localized deformations arising from changes in body shape induced by the variation of a single joint. This requires a stitching process to combine each shallow SDF in the collection together into one SDF representing the signed closest distance to the boundary of the entire body. To achieve this we augment each shallow SDF with an additional output that resolves whether or not the individual shallow SDF value is referring to a closest point on the boundary of the body, or to a point on the interior of the body (but on the boundary of the individual shallow SDF). Our model is extremely fast and accurate and we demonstrate its applicability with real-time simulation of garments driven by animated characters.