We determine the prospects for direct and indirect detection of thermal relic neutralinos in supersymmetric theories with multi-TeV squarks and sleptons. We consider the concrete example of the focus point region of minimal supergravity, but our results are generically valid for all models with decoupled scalars and mixed Bino-Higgsino or Higgsino-like dark matter. We determine the parameter space consistent with a 125 GeV Higgs boson including 3-loop corrections in the calculation of the Higgs mass. These corrections increase mh by 1-3 GeV, lowering the preferred scalar mass scale and decreasing the fine-tuning measure in these scenarios. We then systematically examine prospects for dark matter direct and indirect detection. Direct detection constraints do not exclude these models, especially for μ<0. At the same time, the scenario generically predicts spin-independent signals just beyond current bounds. We also consider indirect detection with neutrinos, gamma rays, antiprotons, and antideuterons. Current IceCube neutrino constraints are competitive with direct detection, implying bright prospects for complementary searches with both direct and indirect detection. © 2013 American Physical Society.