Observational genome-wide association studies require large sample sizes. Evaluating the interplay between genomic, environmental, and lifestyle factors can require even larger sample sizes. The All of Us Research Program will recruit 1 million participants to facilitate research on genomic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Integrating participant preferences into the research process is a new paradigm and a necessary component of the All of Us Research Program. The purpose of the study is to summarize quantitative studies of participant preferences related to participation in observational genomic research studies, starting with consent through return of results. Integrating this information into the conduct of genomic studies may benefit participants, and improve participant satisfaction, recruitment, and retention. We conducted a systematic review of the literature regarding participant views related to reconsent and broad consent, use of de-identified data, contribution of data to a biorepository, risk of identification, return of individual genetic results, and motivation for participation in genomic studies. Twenty-three articles met our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Study results found that most participants support broad consent; however, significant differences related to reconsent preferences have been shown by gender and age. Most participants support the return of individual genomic results and do not feel it is necessary to maintain a link to their de-identified data. Reasons given for joining research studies varied by population source. These findings, in addition to the knowledge that participants are more accepting of broad informed consent methods when the rationale is explained, can assist in developing guidelines for future observational genomic research.