We investigate the feasibility of production from a layered marine gas hydrate reservoir using the properties and conditions corresponding to the UBGH2-6 site of the Ulleung Basin in the Korean East Sea. The work expands and furthers previous investigations in support of a proposed field test. The target system is location in deep water and consists of 13 m of alternating hydrate-bearing sand and soft mud layers and will be produced using a vertical well. We assess production potential during a 14-day field test, examine sensitivity to heterogeneity in permeability, porosity, and initial hydrate saturation, and assess the geomechanical response of the system to short-term production. Producing gas from the system appears to be technically feasible, however, low production rates and relatively large water production rates are expected during the field test. Expected subsidence and reservoir compaction is limited given the current data and the short timeframes of the production test.