Using a process model of skill acquisition allo-
wed us to examine the microstructure of subjects'
performance of a scheduling task. The model, im-
plemented in the Soar-architecture, fits many qua-
litative (e.g., learning rate) and quantitative (e.g.,
solution time) effects found in previously collec-
ted data. T h e model's predictions were tested
with data from a new study where the identical
task was given to the model and to 14 subjects.
Again a general fitof the model was found with
the restrictions that the task is easier for the m o -
del than for subjects and its performance impro-
ves more quickly. T h e episodic memory chunks it
learns while scheduling tasks show h o w acquisition
of general rules can be performed without resort
to explicit declarative rule generation. T h e model
also provides an explanation of the noise typically
found when fittinga set of data to a power law —
it is the result of chunking over actual knowledge
rather than "average" knowledge. Only when the
data are averaged (over subjects here) does the
smooth power law appear.