Longitudinally compressed ion beam pulses are currently employed in ion-beam based warm dense matter studies [1]. Compression arises from an imposed time-dependent longitudinal velocity ramp followed by drift in a neutralized channel. Chromatic aberrations in the final focusing system arising from this chirp increase the attainable beam spot and reduce the effective fluence on target. We report recent work on fast correction optics that remove the time-dependent beam envelope divergence and minimizes the beam spot on target. We present models of the optical element design and predicted ion beam fluence.
Recent changes to the NDCX beamline offer the promise of higher charge compressed bunches (>15nC), with correspondingly large intensities (>500kW/cm2), delivered to the target plane for ion-beam driven warm dense matter experiments. We report on commissioning results of the upgraded NDCX beamline that includes a new induction bunching module with approximately twice the volt-seconds and greater tuning flexibility, combined with a longer neutralized drift compression channel.
The Advanced Photoinjector Experiment (APEX) seeks to validate the design of a proposed high-brightness, normal conducting RF photoinjector gun and bunching cavity feeding a superconducting RF linac to produce nC-scale electron bunches with sub-micron normalized emittances at MHz-scale repetition rates. The beamline design seeks to optimize the slice averaged 6D brightness of the beam prior to injection into a high gradient linac for further manipulation and delivery to an FEL undulator. Details of the proposed beamline layout and electron beam dynamics studies are presented.
The photoinjector for the LBNL LUX project, a femtosecond-regime X-ray source, is a room-temperature 1.3 GHz 4 cell structure producing a 10 MeV, nominal 30 psec, 1 nanocoulomb electron bunch at a 10 kHz rate. The first cell is of reentrant geometry, with a peak field of 64MV/m at the photocathode surface, the geometry of which will be optimized for minimum beam emittance. The high repetition rate and high peak power results in a high average surface power density. The design of the cavity, its cooling structure and power couplers, is coordinated with the configuration of the RF system, including a short, highpower driving pulse and active removal of stored energy after the beam pulse to reduce the average power dissipated in the cavity. An RF and thermal analysis of the photoinjector will be presented.
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