Spatial resolution tests were performed on beamline 1.4.4 at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, CA, USA, a third-generation synchrotron light source. This beamline couples the high-brightness synchrotron source to a Thermo-Electron Continumum XL infrared microscope. Two types of resolution tests were performed in both the mid-IR and near-IR. The results are compared with a diffraction-limited spot size theory. At shorter near-IR wavelengths the experimental results begin to deviate from diffraction-limited so a combined diffraction-limit and electron-beam-source-size model is employed. This description shows how the physical electron beam size of the synchrotron source begins to dominate the focused spot size at higher energies. The transition from diffraction-limited to electron-beam-size-limited performance is a function of storage-ring parameters and the optical demagnification within the beamline and microscope optics. The discussion includes how different facilities, beamlines and microscopes will affect the achievable spatial resolution. As synchrotron light sources and other next-generation accelerators such as energy-recovery LINACs and free-electron lasers achieve smaller beam emittances, beta-functions and/or energy spreads, diffraction-limited performance can continue to higher-energy beams, perhaps ultimately into the extreme ultraviolet.
Detailed spatial resolution tests were performed on beamline 1.4.4 at the Advanced Light Source synchrotron facility in Berkeley, CA. The high-brightness synchrotron source is coupled at this beamline to a Thermo-Electron Continumum XL infrared microscope. Two types of resolution tests in both the mid-IR (using a KBr beamsplitter and an MCT-A* detector) and in the near-IR (using a CaF2 beamsplitter and an InGaAS detector) were performed and compared to a simple diffraction-limited spot size model. At the shorter wavelengths in the near-IR the experimental results begin to deviate from only diffraction-limited. The entire data set is fit using a combined diffraction-limit and demagnified electron beam source size model. This description experimentally verifies how the physical electron beam size of the synchrotron source demagnified to the sample stage on the endstation begins to dominate the focussed spot size and therefore spatial resolution at higher energies. We discuss how different facilities, beamlines, and microscopes will affect the achievable spatial resolution.
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