In \cite{BS}, the authors constructa spectral sequence
which converges to the homology groups of the graph configuration
space. This construction requires a characteristic $0$ field to ensure
a commutative model for the cochain algebra. For arbitrary coefficients a commutative model may not exist and
we suggest a different approach.
Each vertex of a graph $G$ is colored by a copy of $C_{N}^{*}(M;R)$, the normalized cochains,
where $R$ is a commutative ring with unity of any characteristic.
We construct a complex similar to the Bendersky-Gitler complex
in \cite{BG}. Its differential involves sums over sequences
of collapsing edges of the
graph: for a single collapsed edge multiplication of tensor
factors in $C_{N}^{*}(M;R)$ is used, while for general sequences one uses
the sequence operations of McClure and Smith, cf. \cite{MS}.
If the graph $G$ has at most 5 vertices with a planar-type labelling
and $Z_{G} \subset M^{\times n}$ is the closed subspace of diagonals
built from the graph $G$, we show this computes the relative cohomology
groups $H^{*}(M^{\times n},Z_{G};R)$. These are isomorphic to the
homology groups of the graph configuration space $H_{nm-*}(M^{G};R)$ if
$M$ is a compact oriented manifold.
When $G$ is the complete graph on $n$ vertices, these are the homology
groups of the usual (labelled) configuration space.