We consider the allocation of power across forward-link packets in a wireless data network. The packets arrive according to a random (Poisson) process, and have fixed length so that the data rate for a given packet is determined by the assigned power and the channel gain to the designated user. Each user's service preferences are specified by a utility function that depends on the received data rate. The objective is to determine a power assignment policy that maximizes the time-averaged utility rate, subject to a constraint on the probability that the total power exceeds a limit (corresponding to an outage). For a large, heavily loaded network, we introduce a Gaussian approximation for the total transmitted power, which is used to decompose the power constraint into three more tractable constraints. We present a solution to the modified optimization problem that is a combination of admission control and pricing. The optimal trade-off between these approaches is characterized. Numerical examples illustrate the achievable utility rate and power allocation as a function of the packet arrival rate.
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