A leading way to constrain physical theories from cosmological observations is to test their predictions for the angular clustering statistics of matter tracers, a technique that is set to become ever more central with the next generation of large imaging surveys. Interpretation of this clustering requires knowledge of the projection kernel, or the redshift distribution of the sources, and the typical assumption is an isotropic redshift distribution for the objects. However, variations in the kernel are expected across the survey footprint due to photometric variations and residual observational systematic effects. We develop the formalism for anisotropic projection and present several limiting cases that elucidate the key aspects. We quantify the impact of anisotropies in the redshift distribution on a general class of angular two-point statistics. In particular, we identify a mode-coupling effect that can add power to auto-correlations, including galaxy clustering and cosmic shear, and remove it from certain cross-correlations. If the projection anisotropy is primarily at large scales, the mode-coupling depends upon its variance as a function of redshift; furthermore, it is often of similar shape to the signal. In contrast, the cross-correlation of a field whose selection function is anisotropic with another one featuring no such variations — such as CMB lensing — is immune to these effects. We discuss explicitly several special cases of the general formalism including galaxy clustering, galaxy-galaxy lensing, cosmic shear and cross-correlations with CMB lensing, and publicly release a code to compute the biases.