This study examined age effects on real-life language use and
within-person variations in language use across social contexts.
We used the Electronically Activated Recorder (i.e., a portable
audio recorder that periodically records sound snippets) to
collect over 31,300 snippets (30 seconds long) from 61 young
and 48 healthy older adults in Switzerland across four days. We
examined vocabulary richness and grammatical complexity
across the social contexts of (a) activities (i.e., socializing,
working); and (b) conversation types (i.e., small talk,
substantive conversation). Multilevel models showed that
vocabulary richness and grammatical complexity increased
during socializing and substantive conversations, but decreased
in small talk. Moreover, young adults produced shorter clauses
at work than not at work. Furthermore, compared with young
adults, older adults used richer vocabulary and more complex
grammatical structures at work; and used richer vocabulary in
small talk. In contrast, young adults used richer vocabulary
than older adults during non-socializing and non-working
occasions, such as watching TV and exercising. Results are
discussed in the context of cognitive aging research with a
novel emphasis on context.