Depression in late life is associated with substantial suffering, disability, suicide risk, and decreased health-related quality of life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), a depression diagnosis is derived from a constellation of symptoms that may be described differently by different people. For example, the DSM language may be inadequate in capturing these symptoms in certain populations such as African-Americans, whose rates of depression misdiagnosis is high.Methods
This study reports the findings from a church-based, qualitative study with older African-Americans (n = 50) regarding the language they use when discussing depression and depression treatment, and how this compares to the DSM-IV depression criteria. Content analyses of the in-depth discussions with African-American male and female focus group participants resulted in a deeper understanding of the language they used to describe depression. This language was then mapped onto the DSM-IV depression criteria.Results
While some words used by the focus group participants mapped well onto the DSM-IV criteria, some of the language did not map well, such as language describing irritability, negative thought processes, hopelessness, loneliness, loss of control, helplessness, and social isolation.Conclusions
The focus group setting provided insight to the language used by older, church-going African-Americans to describe depression. Implications include the advantages of using qualitative data to help inform clinical encounters with older African-Americans.